Just a 'lil guy on the web. Also on Mastodon: @sundray@mastodon.social and Pixey
Islands, rise up!
Sorry, best I can do is “I Like Fucking.”
No joke, if I start tidying my room, I won’t stop until I’ve dusted under my couch and scoured my oven.
Born to be the tribe’s nightwatch.
Forced to wake up a 5 AM because my company’s HQ is in a different timezone than me.
“Whenever they catch you, they will kill you assign you a task. But first they must catch you…”
You’ve just made an enemy for life!!!
It’s a picture of her cat, Shoelace. I assume that all of the other months also have a picture of Shoelace 😸 .
Note to self: Learn more about onions
If only there was some way to cancel their Narcan shipments, too 🤔
“Whoa, this thing is trashed, it’s basically useless now.”
Condition: Untested
“I didn’t say I’m sick – motherfucker I’m ill.”
Depends on the form of meditation. For general, workplace-endorsed “mindfulness” meditation, you allow yourself to think whatever you think, but instead of reacting to it, you merely observe and acknowledge that you’re having that thought. You don’t let yourself get carried along with it though. You let it pass and let another thought come along, observing your own mind. Other types of meditation are about striving to think nothing, and it’s expected that you’ll fail, and take years to accomplish that after a great deal of practice.
“Dammit kid, take the deal – we really need that cream cheese back here.”
“All right fellow rebels… now that we’ve all infiltrated the Empire by joining as Storm Troopers, it’s time to enact our plan.”
“Aim to miss, sir?”
“You’re goddamn right.”
In the grimdark future there can be no grass roots, only astroturf.
“I lied. You don’t have NetFlix. We’re going to tidy your room.”