The alternative would be
More reasonable, if you ask me. At least I came to value modularity in programming, maybe with standards it doesn’t work as good, but I don’t see why
Rust dev, I enjoy reading and playing games, I also usually like to spend time with friends.
You can reach me on mastodon or telegram @sukhmel@tg
The alternative would be
More reasonable, if you ask me. At least I came to value modularity in programming, maybe with standards it doesn’t work as good, but I don’t see why
I’m inclined to say that TechBros are usually not the ones whose work they give away for free*, and they really care more about profits than anything.
* there are a multitude of ways to provide information but making sure it’s useless, for AI models that usually comes in a way of providing the source code but not training data or architecture, so that you’ll need to do most of the work again. A lot of them don’t do even that.
Please note, this comment is off topic to the OP post and is only about your idealistic view of TechBros
That’d probably change the world forever. Besides, it would likely be hunted by all the people who want to destroy it.
This, we need more samples (but please don’t)
Don’t let the dog eat garlic or onion, it’s poisonous to most animals. Not sure about after heat treatment, but I wouldn’t risk it
You know, this is ironic
Well, I thought it was intended and more common, now I will think otherwise, you really have much more experience indeed
That’s a bit weird thing to assume if you have only your machine to check, and I have only mine, so both of us are exactly one case to encounter. But since there are numerous questions and articles about this, it’s maybe not only on my machine.
It is possible that it’s not tied to an OS version, because I have switched to a different MacBook, too, and it may have been this what stopped music from launching.
It looks like Linux got much friendlier as of lately, and requires much less figuring out, but ymmv and you can of course run into issues, unfortunately.
Nowadays we usually have the benefit of being connected to the internet from something other than the computer we’re fiddling with, it was quite hard to troubleshoot modem issues when you need that modem to work for the internet connection.
I’m a pleb, barely literate in computers, just pretty okay at finding things I need on Google and blindly copying commands
I think that’s enough for most of things, really. I’m supposed to be a power user, but I just do the same: google whenever I need to do something
uninstall OS components…
Like what?
Like whenever you connected Bluetooth headphones to the MacBook, they started Music app. The official solution to stop this was to reboot in safe mode and rename Music app, because it was baked in so hard, or install third party software to prevent Music from starting. That’s not to mention that I don’t need Music app at all and would uninstall it but it will get restored back.
It looks like this behaviour changed somewhere in 14, as I no longer see Music starting, but it worked that way for longer than it should, really.
Upd: can’t find the support thread where they offered this solution, so it must’ve been not the official one. Officially you didn’t even need a solution because it’s not a problem.
It’s actually fine that you can’t do this, because the average user is too stupid to be able to do it safely
Yeah, this is what I hate about Apple second most, right after their marketing and competition strategies.
But to be fair, it makes sense: they don’t want to satisfy everyone, only just enough to crush competitors, and if you (and I) don’t fit it’s your (and my) fault.
apple offered huge discounts for students through their university, so many CS students got a macbook for super cheap and just never stepped out of the ecosystem.
This is the real reason. And I think they couple it with trying to make interface look and behave not how it is in Linux or Windows, so that once you’re used to it, you’re less comfortable switching to anything else.
For me as a user it always looked like Microsoft looks at how Apple does it and is eagerly employs the worst practices of not allowing the user to do anything ‘forbidden’ and not giving the user control in general.
Google is doing pretty much the same with Android for a long time, too.
Yes, it’s literally non sequitur. And a very popular propaganda move: [country A] is good because [country B] is worse. In fact, it usually is not even relatively good if there’s a need for such ‘argument’
Oh, yeah, I kinda mixed together liking and supporting in the ‘appreciate’.
false dichotomy arguments that you can’t appreciate music made by a person if that person is considered a bad person
For me this is more about making someone more popular and making them profits by listening to their music. And then there’s also a possibility that someone is considered a bad person for their views that are also displayed in their music, then I consider that I might start viewing their opinion as the norm, and also prefer not to listen to them.
All in all, I agree that the dichotomy is false, but I think it has some sense in some cases.
Thanks for the link. I expected there would be a problem with triangle inequality but didn’t want to do the actual proving 😅
I don’t think all email servers run the same back end, but if they do, then yes, it is
Makes sense. But then we’re getting the standard that tries to define everything