Good luck with your journey. I just came here to say that being a woman doesn’t require makeup, because you write as if that’s a requirement
Fran Fine, The Nanny
Samantha Carter, Stargate SG-1
Delenn, Babylon 5
Natalie Teeger, Monk
Eve, Killing Eve
Beth Harmon, Queen’s Gambit
CJ, The West Wing
Donna, The West Wing
Donna Noble, Doctor Who
And if children count:
Matilda, Matilda
Merida, Brave
I really am not much of a movie fan, but the serialisation of everything is already so tiring.
I liked watching “a man called Otto” and have a think about it afterwards. I don’t want a mini series of Otto providing unnecessary backstory or sideplots, coupled with intense social media discussion and memefication.
Stand alone movies are still a very good medium, see Oppenheimer. Just because Marvel and DC basically serialise everything doesn’t mean the medium doesn’t hold validity.
Look up “Revenge bedtime procrastination”
As a HoH person I secretly love this trend and hope it never dies
Accurate summary. But I still think that Skyrim is fun, in a different way. But yeah I wish they’d go back to the actual rpg of the Elder Scrolls.
Animorphs! Loved the covers
“weak evidence”? What evidence?
Every year, I google whether it has returned. Losing NewsWipe / Screenwipe is such a loss. Still haven’t touched Black Mirror…
What is attention an analogy for?
If you see yourself in this meme, here’s two books for you to read:
The first one is specifically about how neglect can manifest itself. If you find your parents love you but you still feel empty or devoid of their affection, this might be useful. Especially good to read when you don’t buy the “depression is just genetic and it just happens to some people” narrative.
The second one is more general about different types of connection and bonding. Very useful to understand where your parents might come from and why they behave(d) like they do/did. Also helps stem the tide against the current internet’s "everyone with bad behaviour is a narcissist " theme
7zip doesn’t work well with win11. Read somewhere that the developer refuses to do something about it, but no idea. Went with nanazip, which is derived from 7zip