why are rhey so eager to sck up when he wants them gone? it makes no sense
why are rhey so eager to sck up when he wants them gone? it makes no sense
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how would it lead to less good stuff?
Sorry, this isnt just about banning twitter because they dont like it. This happening because Twitter is boosting all manner of hate speech, misinformation, disgusting content and calling for violence against vulnerable people. Its an unmoderated far right propoganda hose. Free societies should ban nazi propaganda actually, we know what happens when you tolerate this stuff or brand it as “just another opinion.”
Well when you get cars designed by people who think safety regulation can be ignored, this is what you get.
wait, the article said it stopped working because “child damaged it” …what! How? And how crummily designed is this thing that a child could wreck it
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the first person who develops a browser that effectively filters out AI results is going to do very well
Journalistic standards exist. But for those you need qualified human journalists to give a crap about that kind of thing.
This is appalling, but seems in line with their recent coverage. Has the NYT always been promoting far right viewpoints like this or is this a recent change in their editorial direction? They’ve also been burying and straight up ignoring Donald Trump stories this close to the election.
They no longer deserve their reputation as a top news source in any case.
Imagine someone like him acting like ‘coming up with solutions’ is the problem. Infuriating ghouls.
CEO Sam Altman, who had previously emphasized that he didn’t have any equity in the company, will now get equity worth billions, in addition to ultimate control over OpenAI.
what! You mean he stands to profit billions after lying about his intentions?! A techbro would never!!
In addition to pumping real estate valuation, it seems like moves like this are a form of cutting workers without having to do layoffs. They know a large number of workers are wont be able to readjust, and will have to quit.
Well I mean, kinda. He does regrets not doing more when he was in government (as he has become significantly more left leaning) But I still wouldn’t characterize Reich as doing nothing.
He did have major policy ideas that were stopped by Clinton’s economic advisors, as well as the federal reserve (controlled by conservative ghoul Alan Greenspan, who Clinton kept on). Reich’s initiatives and plans were effectively shuttered by the same ghouls who ended up ending Glass-Steagall, leading to the 2008 financial crisis and all manner of horrific economic consequences even today. So I would really attribute more blame to Clinton himself for not fighting the more conservative wings of his own administration (on health care reform, especially)
Hey other automakers looking for an exciting new feature, you can always advertise NOT snooping as a feature and “add value” without having to do squat. Think about it, less scummy companies! (if they still exist)
How is it remotely euphamistic to say a career prosector believes in enforcing the law?
Voting for Harris is ill advised if we are concerned about fascism? Are you really saying this with Trump on the ticket?
Where are you getting this? Also NPR is center-right, they havent been on “the left” for a good while
south african nazis, we know.