My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.
My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.
Someone break this word down for me
Hilfe leistungs lösch gruppen fahrzeug
(technically i’d need to add capitalization and dashes when separating into full nouns)
help giving exterminating groups’ vehicle drive thing (as others in this thread have noted)
Das Hilfeleistungslöschgruppenfahrzeug der Feuerwehr […]
The aid-providing fire-fighting vehicle of the fire department
Es transportiert Feuerwehrleute, Leitern, Werkzeuge, Schläu[che…]
It transports firefighters, ladders, tools, hoses
Not gonna lie, it’s a bit over the top. Feuerwehrfahrzeug
(fire dept’s truck) would’ve sufficed IMO. Nobody not working as a firefighter (and arguably not even all of those who do) knows let alone uses that long-form word.
Socialism is an economic and political philosophy […] characterised by social ownership of the means of production, as opposed to private ownership.
I’m not gonna lie, I don’t think a common-good healthcare regulation or whatever housing plans fall under the definition.
Edit: there’s some merit to this you could’ve brought up, e.g. Germany’s mandating by law of some (limited) worker control in firms ≥500 employees in size (wikipedia link). But even that’s breaking with the definition, since it’s not about ownership, but rather a say in leading the company.
It’s a quote from (left) professor Richard Wolff. Link
Edit: had gotten the first name wrong
Which aspects about it do you dislike?
I’m asking since for most everything – except maybe the fact it’s Electron-based – there’s an extension, or the behavior can already be altered in the settings.
Also, IDK how your workplace handles application management, but if you have any freedom as a developer (if that is your role?), make sure to get a package manager, presumably Homebrew or MacPorts.
Brew especially isn’t perfect, but brew install <name>
handily beats out any installation method containing the words “App Store” or “Browser download button.”
You have to apply some (from time to time well-hidden) tweaks to macOS until it becomes usable. :P
Use TextEdit for .txt and .rtf, and get Sublime Text, VS Codium, or any of the other bazillion IDEs out there until you find one you can tolerate. Helix does that for me. (:
And now you (and us in the rest of the world) get democracy-dismantling Trump, who will continue to support Israel even more. That’s not even considering trans people, other demographics’ rights, or the climate. Good job being so virtuous in non-voting!
Said as someone not emotionally invested in her campaign.
This is why Unix orbs exist, man!
… And I can’t. Challenge failed, I think.