That guy clearly never heard about the Pareto Principle.
E: fuck yeah, successfully triggered all the hexbear tankies. As fun as poking a wasp nest with a long stick. If only there was an online tankie bug spray equivalent…
That guy clearly never heard about the Pareto Principle.
E: fuck yeah, successfully triggered all the hexbear tankies. As fun as poking a wasp nest with a long stick. If only there was an online tankie bug spray equivalent…
That’s genius. I was always more of a screenshot-your-desktop-then-set-it-as-wallpaper-and-hide-taskbar-and-icons kinda guy but that one is so damn subtle it probably just leads to people thinking everything works normally except that it feels ever so slightly off, but they can’t put their finger on it. I like it a lot.
Which was part of my reasoning for joining there, along with the fact that I’m a dev myself so it aligns with my interests.
Internet user tries not to make everything political challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
Wait until you find out that binary counting allows you to count to 31 with one hand.
All I think about is how much current tooling in manufacturing is made to use those round imperial measurements, and how much it would cost to convert/change them over. That’s possibly the #1 reason why the US will never go metric.
This is the only correct take ITT.
Guessing you got a Secret Lab. Also have one in fabric (screw the PU leather stuff that flakes after a while), pretty happy with it. I wish the seat pan could be adjusted back and forth but other than that it’s good.
Sounds like k3s would be right up your alley, it’s API compatible with k8s but has a lot less overhead than k8s, designed for use on low power devices like the Pi.