Half the country didn’t vote for this and about 3.5 million EU citizens living in the UK weren’t allowed to vote (which was against EU regulations but nobody seems to care). So quit the “they asked for it” bullshit.
But that was, like, 12 foreigners who weren’t doing anything useful.
Well bugger. I live in Germany now, and salmon imported from Norway is disgusting. I miss Scottish salmon.
Nope. Britain was in the EU and not in Schengen. Cue passport queues.
That’s a typical fascist strategy, blaming other parties.
They don’t wonder, they blame immigrants. See Brexit.
Some might, some won’t. It’d be stupid in Berlin because of the Bezirken (which have people of all incomes), but in Amsterdam (where only rich people live in the centre) it’d be fine.
I’m in the countryside outside Berlin. The buses are okay. Even places in the middle of nowhere have buses.
The poor people live in London. The rich people live outside London (although the filthy rich ones live in Mayfair and the like).
There are low emissions zones in many cities. I’ve paid for a sticker for Berlin (no, I don’t take my car into Berlin, but I do use the ring road).
Or the Tube, or the train. London has fantastic public transport. You don’t need a car.
And then you cant sleep and the whole thing starts again?
What? There was only one referendum. What on Earth are you on about. You mean the undemocratically elected parliament?