formerly /u/squirrelrampage on Reddit
Serious response: Studies have proven again and again that reading fiction increases empathy. Many English teachers probably chose their jobs because they had a love for literature in the first place and their exposure to it has had its effect on them. [In that regard the absolute worst people on this planet are well aware of this effect and attack libraries, books with diverse viewpoints and the humanities whenever they get a chance to.]
It’s actually really simple. See… *unpacks a pile of books of advanced biology and genetics*
Although… *gets another pile of books about psychology and neurology*
And we have to consider… *drops another pile of books about sociology and anthropology*.
Pretty obvious, isn’t it?
Yeah, that’s the current scientific consensus.
For those who are unfamiliar with the science: Being trans is considered a developmental disorder nowadays. It is mostly likely due to an imbalance of sex hormones during fetal development. Basically the testes produce sex hormones which leads to the development of sex organs associated with one gender, but (for yet to be determined) reasons the same sex hormones do not affect the brain which thus develops into a different direction, thus creating the “gender incongruence” that affects trans people lateron.
I’d like to change my gender now.
No. They are all precious and I do not want them to hurt each other.
And that’s the difference between classical conditioning (the dogs being trained to sensory input by Pavlov) and operant conditioning (Pavlov training himself through his own behavior).
I am still struggling, but I also realize that I have come a long way in the last few years.
I also wish you all the best and to be able to free yourself from the prejudices that others force on you.
Yeah, internalized shame is a hell of a thing, but - at least in my view - it is good to realize that it is forced upon us and not something that comes from within ourselves. It is hard to unlearn, but very liberating to do so, even if the possibilities to live the way we want is limited.
It’s not brain rot if the internet is an outlet where you can be who you truly are. It’s the rest of the world that is fucked for forcing people to hide their interests and identity.
Art is by Skaroy
Disgusting! Tell me, where do the furries find those naps, so that I can avoid them!?
The trailer for the movie for those interested.
Incompatibilities between hardware and software caused data corruption. This resulted in hangups and increasingly frequent crashes. It was necessary to download a new gender, which is currently being installed.
Become the Manic Pixie Dream Girl you were looking for!
The art is by Lauren Dombrowski
A little long maybe, I assume it won’t be long until it’s just “likensub”.
flips table
Thanks. Corrected.
Thanks. Corrected it.
Of course, the question remains how much people with low empathy are willing to pick up a book on their own volition. Though at least studies have shown (here is one) that reading fiction increased empathy even when people were not particularly empathic to begin with.