That’s not my experience, I love the feature.
Because they expect you to listen to the voicemail and then call back at your convenience. If you hate it, get a visual voicemail app to transcribe them for you.
That way, you’ll at least be able to side-eye it and consider helping when your mother calls because she has fallen in the tub.
I thought it was. What a missed opportunity.
Actually it’s is because firmware is tiny
As far as I’m concerned each side has been just as annoying and incorrect as the other. Have you seen some of the stupid and objectively false things people say? It’s not just conservatives.
I upped because I don’t understand the perspective of the downies
Dude that’s a generalization and is just not true.
Absolutely, but it’s still useful. Allegedly Alfred Binet did not approve of the eventual applications of the test he designed.
I don’t know, when I got tested it seemed like they were testing the right stuff.
I’m pretty sure it’s a well-made test that provides fairly accurate results. Even if what they claim to be measuring in each category isn’t reflected in the test, it is, at the very least measuring the abilities required to take the test and that exactly.
It seems pretty straightforward to see how good a kid is at solving a puzzle, right?
If you took a test as a child, it was probably WISC-V.
This assessment provides the following scores:
- A Composite Score that represents a child’s overall intellectual ability (FSIQ)
- Primary Index Scores that measure the following areas of cognitive functioning: Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI), Visual Spatial Index (VSI), Fluid Reasoning Index (FRI), Working Memory Index (WMI), and the Processing Speed Index (PSI).
- Ancillary Index Scores are also provided: The Quantitative Reasoning Index (QRI) ; Auditory Working Memory Index (AWMI); Nonverbal Index (NVI); General Ability Index (GAI); and the Cognitive Proficiency Index (CPI).
Which seems very reasonable to me. This was originally intended to be an aptitude test, not strictly to measure your intelligence.
Seriously lemmy disappoints me.
Why do you have a second namespace on your external drive?
That was the first thought that crossed my mind when he started FP.
I mean this with no personal enmity: piss off with your iPad. (Don’t expect power user features to actually be good)
It’s not really bizarre. You’re digging in to something and responding to each comment, and every time you do, you talk from a perspective that to others is obviously flawed. In every comment you said “noooo I’m not a cheapskate, I just want an app for free” and that is amusing.
You’re the asshole who posts useless bug reports on GitHub but never donates. Get the 🦆 out of my project issues.
Your argument for "as native as most apps” falls apart pretty quickly though.
I’m not saying it’s a bad app. I’m just saying it’s a badly made app, because JavaScript was a joke 30 years ago, it’s a joke today. (ThePrimeagen)
Most apps aren’t native, so being “as native” as the baseline average or better isn’t even saying much at all. They’re all using V8, and I’m slightly less disgruntled if they use something like React Native or whatever instead of Vue and virtual DOM stuff. This was brief but you get the idea.
Also, Xamarin and Flutter/Skia do exist.
Need a citation for that one chief, I’m pretty sure it says your body is a temple to be respected and cared for.