L’iguana is right there, plain as day!
L’iguana is right there, plain as day!
Sounds like you need to work harder to kill FPTP in your state which brings us one step closer to killing it federally. My state has one more vote to kill FPTP next November
Honestly dont know the lore enough to say one way or another
Third parties are not a bad thing
Change your underwear, amirite
Isnt Instagram’s DMs Instagram’s messaging platform? This is just a new shill, not a part of an old piece
Are they still making new steam machines?
It was such a fun little film!
Grace Ledbetter in the Journal of Philology (1993) stated Patroclus could simply be Achilles’ softer side. So at least one peer reviewed journal felt maybe they werent, ya know, lovers. I think thats hogwash, but hey
I wish you’d wake up, friend
War is bad. I am fine giving war crap to Ukraine, it feels like it won’t drag on for twenty years like our most recent excursions nor will we have american boots on the ground
I do not recall the vast wealth held by the legendary beasts