One of my favourite uses of memes recently was when someone posted this meme in our meme group and then someone else posted it again like 2 entries later. Thus fulfilling the anxiety
Pigs are pigs no matter where you are.
In Germany they regularly kill POC in “self defense” like when they shot a 16 year old kid, that was holding a knife, with an AR.
Some cops are also fascists or support other fascist actors. Like when an attorney for the victims of the fascist terror group “NSU” got threat via fax signed “NSU 2.0” her Fax number was pulled from the data in Frankfurts 1sr precinct where a bunch of Cops were working that were also in a WhatsApp group sharing Nazi memes.
And the people investigating all of this? The police of course. Like when two police precincts were investigating each other both for killing a person “in self defense”.
Tl;dr: ACAB world wide
Oof I envy you. I’ve seen my first video 1-2 years ago (the rice cooker one) and ever since I’ve watched all of his Videos (some three times) I’d love to get to experience all of them anew.
So … I was also interested by that question and intrigued by that photo, so I put on my research cap and went away.
From what I found out it seems to be both:
A staged photo/shot but from a historical movie called Dr. Mabuse the Gambler .
I was able to find the movie on YouTube with A seance scene which however does not seem to be the same scene (or at least a different angle) from the picture. If anyone has the time to scroll through all 4h of that movie the scene in the picture might be in there.
Oof altered carbon got me that hard. The first season is so confusing and amazing. The second season… Well
I love yes it is an amazing tool. I never had an actual use for it since any tool I might want to use it on (like apt) already has some kind of command line switch for it already
But I just once in a while stumble across yes again and run it for half a minute and have a chuckle.
Just like every time I read:
I understand and appreciate you trying to learn. I think one of the issues why nobody can really point you to a good resource is that there are no 100% neutral resources that document “the conflict”. Even just where/when you start something like a timeline can be biased.
Keeping all that in mind I have found a video that gives a short simplified summary of the base history.
I liked it (might be part of my bias since I like crash course). But I’m sure there are mistakes in there and as above some details/framing might just be due to biases of the author’s/presenters etc.
Yeah. As someone running a NAS/Jellyfin server of a SBC/USB SSD I would love to pick up an x86 sffpc too properly put everything inside but idle power and quiet aren’t easily beat.
Software support olinwouldnt really agree since x86 gives a lot more options than ARM
As a repairability and sustainability advocate … This is good news.
As a Fairphone 4 owner … This is bad news for my resolve 😅 when I got my Fairphone I decided that I want to use it for at least the 5 years they guarantee updates and replacement parts … So I guess I’m stuck now … Which isn’t a bad place to be I love my Fairphone 4 it’s great … I just still have the “new shiny thing” mentality stuck somewhere
Honestly in wouldn’t even be comfortable doing the “call taxi” one. Straight out is still to close :D
I haven’t driven a whole lot of cars and none of them were old as dirt pickup trucks but I’ve seen enough where the idle gas was not enough to get the car rolling on an incline without stalling it. Sometimes you just need a good handbrake start
MHH 🤔 I see your point. However I would consider this could be an uncut penis which just stretches the foreskin back making it look almost cut when it’s erect (those definitely exist)