Yes, because if it didn’t happen in the season, it would make it an out-of-season depression.
Yes, because if it didn’t happen in the season, it would make it an out-of-season depression.
As long as he doesn’t touch my blinker fluid, all is well.
There are a few video on YT from reputable creators highlighting malpratices Apple does on a yearly basis to rip you off in every way imaginable. Louis Rossmann and Hugh Jeffreys have done some “compilation” videos on that topic. To point you to a quick one, search for “Astonishing Anti Repair Pratcices by Apple in the last 15 years” by Hugh. If you value yourself, don’t buy Apple products.
Some stupid meme about a girl who told in a street interview that men like to get sloppy blowjobs
All official texts use standard German, but the differences appear in day-to-day communication. People usually write in their dialect and since there is no orthographic standard, it looks quite bizzare. If you know a little bit of German, take a look at Tapakapa Erklärt. An Austrian guy speaking and subtitling in his (Vienna?) dialect.
Close enough. My original ideas was that Dutch is often taken as a joke language due to sounding like a cross-over between English and German. I just added Austria taking Bavaria with her because of the strong linguistic similarities. The inspiration for this meme was a comment on YT. A Dutch guy made a video in English with a strong accent. A German dude wrote “You should have made a video in German instead of in broken English.” The only reason we know the dude in the video was Dutch is because of some text in the background, but the accent sounded German.
Quite a few well known memers, not the peseants though
Put some.panic attacks on top for some sweet sweet monetary gains!