Yeah but does the one on the left fit a rack server? I think not!
Yeah but does the one on the left fit a rack server? I think not!
I did not. That’s what I alluded to in my last sentence. But I believe the bigger picture is more important and that automation is a step towards getting out of consumerism, exponential growth and job creation just to keep the bar moving, which all ties in to why we’re in this situation in the first place. It allows us to reevaluate what’s important in life.
And what’s the alternative? Stopping progress and keeping menial jobs on life support just to pay people a wage is ludicrous. Automation has been replacing jobs since watermills and oxen, it is a form of liberation. The current rate will probably cause a lot of upheaval yes, but it’s a necessary evil.
Everything is becoming decentralized because it offers a fairer, more level playing field. Except in governance, where things move towards a consolidation of power under the guise of unity and progress with the net result being that the voice of the person becomes a distant cry.
The US hasn’t had a domestic war since the civil war. How many wars has Europe had domestically since then? Hmmm.
The US is a country, Europe is not, so “domestic” is a misnomer and the comparison doesn’t hold up. The issues Europe had with wars are a result of complex regional and historical issues, those things don’t really exist in the US because it is too homogenous on one side and too much of a military might to challenge on the other, not to mention geographically isolated.
You really need to reach to make Europe look like the bad guy when it comes to wars, not in the least because the US takes other countries to war all the time to throw it’s weight around and establish dominance.
People also vastly overestimate how many people need to be in the known to participate in a conspiracy.
The chemical companies who dumped pfas into the environment fully aware of their problems had thousands of employees, how many of them do you think were part of the plan to keep it under wraps?
It’s very easy to come up with excuses and string people along, you don’t need to sit them around a table and explain your evil plot.
I always laugh at people who oversimplify conspiracies so that it becomes an “us vs them” straw man. It is more complicated than that. A few people want something, device a strategy, and then try to convince others how the goal they’re trying to reach would benefit them while whitewashing the idea into something very legitimate.
This is such an everyday approach to handling things that people would never call it a conspiracy, the label is only applied when something is so outrageous that we struggle with coming to terms with it, and then we turn it into a caricature so that we can simply discard the idea.
It is never “the government”. But in the 90’s, a cabal of neocons drew up a plan to tighten their military grip on the world, and when 9/11 came along, they had an excuse to execute it and start waging wars in a bunch of countries while convincing everyone and the government that we were battling terrorism. That is how a conspiracy works.
To give you another example, over the course of decades, the UK sprayed millions of it’s citizens in secret chemical warfare tests that resemble the popular “chemtrail” theory. A testimony to how compartmentalization is perfectly able to keep secrets when needed. And even now that’s in the open, very few people know about it.
But in reality, there’s often no need to keep conspiracies secret when you were able to convince the majority of people that conspiracies don’t exist. All that’s required then, is to call something a conspiracy, and people will turn out it droves to mock anyone who dares to suggest its legitimacy.
Everything evolves as a wave of extremes and eventually finds some sort of equilibrium, trying to contain that is a fool’s errand.
I don’t see how intent is relevant, to someone using Celsius, 40 degrees is hot because they’re used to that, that’s the only thing that matters. Besides, when it comes to body temperature, Celsius is a lot closer than Fahrenheit. Not to mention “it’s freezing outside” in Celsius is actually sub zero, and not a number close to your body temperature as it is in Fahrenheit.
and we use a temperature system is a great way to describe feeling heat
You know if you really think about it for even the slightest amount of time this makes absolutely no fucking sense. I can imagine why you state this, but to not spoil the fun I’d love to hear it from you.
Ah yes, “we did good but they messed it up, as usual!”
If the US cared enough about the well-being and the services the people have access to in the nations they invade, they would probably not do the invading bit.