Microdosing poison so that they can survive the poison. They are learning!
Self-hoster/FOSS Pronouns: He/Him
Microdosing poison so that they can survive the poison. They are learning!
Is it really that big of a fall?
You know there’s a video that shows what happened after that frame. Didja know that son?
Sorta. But I think the problematic part of a midlife crisis is the irresponsible reckless behavior (say unaccounted for big expenses) that affect the people around you. If you’re not doing that then pop off, have fun, life is short!!
This is more actionable than pretending he died in 2006.
exactly, its just very disappointing! oh well! what can we do?
And at this point doubt he will.
eh… fuck this guy (RMS)
Truely an underrated concept. But you don’t get the nerd points for understanding memory management… And isn’t that what programming is all about
Oh completely… Its sometimes the weird syntax that freaks people out. I mean it helps to know multiple languages in life why not in tech? I have heard from so many people that they can’t follow some code examples just cause it’s in lisp but using descriptive var and function names … Nope… They still can’t
People could stand to spend an extra 5 mins to learn about the different tools at their disposal
Damn!! That’s awesome! I haven’t touched a lot of front end cause of JS
There’s been so many attempts to wrangle some sense into it. Elm is one that comes to mind. But they are all too niche to make that impact.
Oh shit if I knew of it I would have cared about JS a little more lol.
We need more lispy shit!
I dunno what this is … But I like that I see Erlang
Why not both you fucking clown
I mean when your rich what don’t you run… To destroy from within
Then you need to fund the IRS enough to go after these rich fucks
No they don’t pretend to be factual
You can jailbreak your tesla to give you heated seats without paying that clown. For starters.