I’m 29 and this is already the case. A lot of the early 2000s internet is already getting hard to find, and even a lot of early YouTube feels like it’s been scrubbed clean, or had stuff auto-muted/removed due to copyright that drastically affects the content. Not to mention all the flash animations and whatnot that might not have made it to somewhere as big as Newgrounds. There’s a lot of stuff I remember watching that seems to be utterly lost
How much are we considering earlier Marvel as part of the MCU? Because even though it was before Iron Man/Hulk and the official “start” of the current MCU, a lot of people seem to forget that the Blade Trilogy existed…
There was a show I remember way back called “Testees” where it followed a couple of guys who were human Guinea pigs for some pharma company. Each episode was generally about some new drug and the horrible/hilarious side effects and shenanigans that would ensue. There was also a 3rd guy who was basically Frank from It’s Always Sunny, and the B plot would flow him sometimes. In one episode, the company actually makes a penis enlargement pill that works, however a little too well. It’s so big that every time he gets an erection, he blacks out from the drop in blood pressure. Been a while since I’ve thought of that show lol.
You don’t know why someone is speeding, and it’s not your job to enforce traffic laws. There was a story I remember reading a while back of someone’s friend having a chainsaw accident, and them watching their friend bleed out in their car because some dumb piece of shit figured they’d play traffic cop and blocked them in traffic. If you see someone driving aggressively, just assume they’re driving that way because they’re about to shit their pants, and let them go on their merry way. Report them if you want, but don’t endanger yourself and others trying to be a “hero”
Clearly you’ve never spent an hour+ on a bus with someone watching TikTok on a fucking Bluetooth speaker.
Except it’s not, because potentially hundreds of thousands of people, who are most definitely not “the elite”, actually rely on them for, y’know, power? You’re not fucking over “the elite” by fucking with public infrastructure. They have backup generators and batteries and plenty of other ways to run their houses. Not only that, with something like a substation, they’ll probably cry to the government for help with an emergency outage and it’ll just be more public funds going to the.
Depending on water temperature (so you’re not burning energy to maintain body temp), salt vs fresh (you’re more buoyant in saltier water), and body fat composition (fat adds to your natural buoyancy), I can definitely see someone who’s in decent shape managing 10 hours. I think the record is over 100 hours, so 40 is definitely going to be well above “normal” but not necessarily superhuman.
Well, now that I know they make pride Crushers, you’ve definitely sold me lol
What’re you running now? I’ve been using Sony MX’s for a long time now, but I love the idea of the Crushers for those times I want to feel like the walls are made of subwoofers, and they seem inexpensive enough for a decent pair of secondary headphones.
This was definitely something I didn’t realize was a thing until I moved into a far more non-car dependent suburb. I grew up in suburban sprawl so bad it would literally take you half an hour to foot just to leave the neighborhood. It’s not nearly as good as some of the places I’ve stayed in Europe, but it was eye opening to say the least.
But not quite as popular as 7 “What’s New Pussycats” in a row
Mierdas, everything touched turns to shit
Because a kid will eventually get bored of the TV and want to hang out with a friend or play with their parents. But a tablet can provide all the stimulation and pseudo-social contact you could possibly want and you can sit there for days on one.
In my many years on the internet, I’ve seen my share of fucked up shit, but that scene is still by far one of the most unsettling things I’ve ever seen.
Batteries are rated for a certain continuous current draw, and if you try drawing too much, you’re going to have a bad time. Some of these flashlights can draw a ridiculous amount of power, and if you’re putting a cheap knockoff 18650 in it with no internal protections, it’s not going to be a fun time.
It’s the same issue people had with vapes exploding. The original included batteries might only be rated for a continuous draw of say, 10A, and they’re adding these crazy high wattage coils trying to get 30A from them.
I had an accident happen on a dive trip where my dive buddy had a heart attack about 70ft down. Another diver and I see him struggling, and do an emergency surface to haul him up. We get him on the boat, Coast Guard meets up with us to rush him back to shore, and when we get back, they had an ambulance there for me as they were worried I’d get the bends from having to surface from that deep that fast.
I feel totally fine the whole time, get to the hospital and they ask me if I’m in any pain/check for symptoms. I tell them no. They have me wait on a stretcher for about half an hour, until a hyperbaric specialist can see me. He walks over (again, I’m just sitting on a stretcher in the middle of a hall this whole time), and asked if I’m feeling okay. No issues other than the worst need to pee I’ve ever had from the saline bag in me, and he says I’m good to go. Weeks later, I get a hospital bill for $7k, $5k of which was being seen by a specialist. Which, my college insurance didn’t cover because I wasn’t referred to by my PCP.
It took an insane amount of back and forth to convince them to cover it, but quickly turned around when I showed them the news broadcast from that day about the accident, and how bad it would look for them to try and throw a $7k medical bill onto a college student who was literally trying to save a dude’s life.
Our medical insurance system is just a ton of fun.