And, I would like to add, what in the goddamn fuck
(Not OP) Thanks, will keep that in mind! Also, still out of the loop. Anyone have a quick TL;DR?
PS holy shit i sound like a fucking redditor
And the + is “and then some more”
Sylvester Stallone? That’s like an instant -999 for me, idk about anyone else…
Edit: whoops I was thinking of Steven Seagal, Sylvester Stallone is great
Rings a bell and mostly answers my question, kinda sorry to say
I wonder if world class mathematicians have a much better grasp of it — and yet fail to use their expertise to point out the absurdity of the current wealth inequality
Or do even they, world class mathematicians, not really ‘grasp’ it in this wildly important and urgent sense.
And do not miss https://github.com/MKorostoff/1-pixel-wealth/blob/master/THE_PAPER_BILLIONAIRE.md
Love this guy’s work
And to be clear you mean the original UN article, not the article from the libertarian think tank “Foundation for Economic Education” (“FEE”)
And the UN article link (archive) is in the comments
FEE is an American Libertarian think tank.
Let that help you figure out what’s actually happening here.
Idk which is more depressing, your church or the other person replying and their liquor store
‘Great man’ theory of history rears its ugly head(s)
Hzha lol hilarious!!!1!1!1!