Some users are even going as far as to switch to a new browser.
As someone who changes browsers regularly on a whim, I love how big of a deal this is to the average person.
Some users are even going as far as to switch to a new browser.
As someone who changes browsers regularly on a whim, I love how big of a deal this is to the average person.
Lol I clicked the link and reddit showed
This community has not been reviewed and might contain content inappropriate for certain viewers. View in the Reddit app to continue.
With the only two options being continue in the app
or take me home
Different strokes for different folks, but I wish markdown was in everything. I love the simplicity of it and how easy it is to bold, italicize, make a header, etc. while typing. I’ll take markdown over docs or word any day of the week.
They’re both very similar, but they do have important differences.
Plex has a sleeker UI that is better for our less tech-savvy friends and family. I don’t mind JF’'s UI, but Plex definitely wins in this department.
Plex is easier to access from outside your home network, especially for those of us who do not have full control of our own internet. With Plex, you just open a port, specify it for Plex, and it takes care of the rest. JF on the other hand requires the user to specify the IP (or domain if you have one).
The first two points both result in a better experience for the end user as well. I don’t need to hold anyone’s hand when I invite them to the server, they can do it on their own. JF may not be as simple for some users.
These are the reasons why I personally use Plex over JF. However, JF is still worth considering. You don’t need to pay to unlock any features, it’s all FOSS, and imo it’s more stable than Plex. It all comes down to personal preference and your situation. Hope that helps a bit!
Oh shit I didn’t know they had modern marvels on there 👀
That’s what I’ve got too. Family and friends are slowly catching on the more I talk about it haha. Got a few friends and my whole family on my Plex server now. It’s a fun side project/hobby too imo
This is a super important piece of the puzzle that no one seems to be talking about. It’s surface level at best
That will be a big loss. I don’t doubt it will happen, but it’s like Tumblr or OF removing NSFW content. Judging by this shitstorm, they cannot learn from others’ mistakes.
Gotta weigh in here and say overwriting comments like that can hurt the end user more than it hurts Reddit. A lot of traffic to Reddit is intentional, with posts and comments showing up in search results from ddg/google. I know I’ve found my own posts from troubleshooting the same issue years later. Sure, delete/overwrite comparatively useless comments and posts, but leave up other useful content and use an ad blocker instead. That will hurt them more than deleting content, but still allow others to find the info they need.
Fuck that. I’m sure it’ll be at least somewhat popular, especially if they push it in the Instagram app. When I use Twitter though, it’s for shameful doomscrolling that never lasts long; it makes me feel like an addict who just relapsed
I feel you there. I’m just about at that point, although I also need better support for music software (FL studio, VSTs, etc) and hardware before I can fully switch.