Honestly, this article is pretty bad at explaining the problem here. It’s clear that other websites will try to track you, but the important part of this incognito drama is this:
The plaintiffs also accused Google of taking Chrome users’ private browsing activity and then associating it with their already-existing user profiles.
Yeah, those new avatars are so lame. Everyone just looks the same now; I can’t even recognize people I know IRL because they’re all a silly cartoon character. I can’t believe people actually rushed to use them
The fun thing most of these games aren’t even truly capitalist. City builders like Cities Skylines, Tropico and Anno have little or no free market and you’re just in control of a centralized planned economy.
The only truly capitalist games I saw on that list are X4 and Offworld Trading Company since you play as a single private owner competing with others on the market.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the board is just doing what ChatGPT tells them to.
They also have rust in trust
They use Bevy for ECS and custom rendering with Vulkan. It’s right there in the article:
Also mentioned in other places like this presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jusWW2pPnA0