I am 100% behind a Weird Al cover of Pink Pony Club as a mash up strip clubs and MLP.
I am 100% behind a Weird Al cover of Pink Pony Club as a mash up strip clubs and MLP.
But it is the fact that it will end that gives our life meaning. If we didn’t know that it’ll end our lives would just be an endless loop where because it all happens nothing will matter. As Todd May says “One has a place in the cosmic process of which one’s own existence is a fleeting moment, but a moment nonetheless”
This is why The Good Place is my comfort show. Chidi’s monologue both brakes me and puts me back together. Every moment in the finale is a work of art but that scene on the couch, there just aren’t words.
Every time someone I know passes I watch that whole episode and it helps me find peace.
And now that understand why trombonists get all the girls.
And yet Colombo does in fact have all his shit together just messily stacked in a pile.
I’ve got to second this recommendation. I’ve been using Kodi for almost 12 years and I really love its tracking. And it’s got a heap of other features as well.
Ahhh Blender, that explains it. I really liked this movie but it reminded me of Hoodwinked, that movie where they accidentally deleted it half way through the final render and it ended looking really rough.
I really like the story and art direction but it felt like they needed to run it through a couple more steps in the render to smooth out the lighting and touch up the fur.