Shut the fuck up, you’re defending settlers- apartheid governments, genocidal ethnostates, and their defenders deserve scorn.
This profile is hentai-free, looking for it? Leave.
Shut the fuck up, you’re defending settlers- apartheid governments, genocidal ethnostates, and their defenders deserve scorn.
the only thing ‘astroturfy’ is how liberals will roll up acting like they’re ‘the most leftist’ and then try to draw a line where America’s state enemies are categorically evil, rather than just fucking organizing against the real evils happening where we all live.
You’re repeating their media narrative μαλακά
Yeah, and if there was an actual genocide happening in China we’d be pissed about it.
As a 5 eyes resident you seem like you’re pretty supportive of the violent authoritarian USian regime.
We deny the supposed “white genocide” too, you gonna be a pissy baby about that too?
getting your sources from a “very left wing NGO” how about actual socialists if you’re a ‘socialist.’ I get that you’re Swedish Swiss, we have more people in prison doing forced labor in America than in these ‘genocide camps’ so it’s really hard to take people seriously when they act like ‘genocide’ in China should somehow be at the forefront of what leftists in the west concern themselves with.
It’s spreading US disinfo, which might as well be the 4th Reich soooo yeah pretty much
Rule of Acquisition 211: Employees are the rungs on the ladder of success. Don’t hesitate to step on them.
I know that after my death a pile of rubbish will be placed upon my grave, but the winds of history will sooner or later sweep it away without mercy
the rubbish pile is based actually
I woulda passed to Stalin in the blunt rota
FBI watching me read my own posts because I forgot what I was doing
And a Matt Walsh fan
This meme feels like projection.
Online discussions about capitalism:
People who have to pay rent
30 year old comfortable software developer:
“I know more than you”
I’ve had this exact conversation with an irl friend about how life is political, and you don’t get to pretend that your worldview is somehow so above it all and apolitical so that you can tell other people to stop posting memes in the meme channel.
Interest rates 📈
No politics here, oh shit now there’s pronouns and I ruined it
And, you know, that gets me thinking… this whole conversation is exactly what capitalists want; infighting. You think I’m not radical enough for you, so you then label me as completely opposed to you. The problem is, I can guarantee we share a great many ideals, but you are too busy gatekeeping to allow others with slightly different but reconcilable ideals to be allies.
Gatekeeping? That was always the issue I had with “democratic” socialists who have positions, but insist that they’re the ‘democratic’ ones because they want to make sure the slaveowners keep getting a vote (and continue existing).
You are in full-bodied capitalism, it’s just that it’s the people outside your national borders who are the ‘human vermin’ getting exterminated by your countries military, along with its allies.
I never said you murdered anyone, you are just on the side of the soul harvester where the goodies pop out
wow just like 1776