don’t build the torment nexus
oh. this is uniquely terrible
listerine commercial looking mf lmao
I made a crow-like noise as soon as I read “great googly moogly it’s all gone to shit”. these people are comedic geniuses
I may switch to linux full time in the event that I get a new PC since it looks like it’s starting to become better supported (that and I really want a steam deck). I legit have done some poweruser type shit before when I used the registry editor to disable copilot, so it would be right up my alley. if only that tumor of a feature weren’t hard coded into win11
the barnes and noble is closed, everybody go home now
ngl that cloth rendering is pretty nice
damn, maybe I could set up a routine like that one day (my mirtazapine is making it a bit easier though)
immediately falls back asleep
yet another meme that I found that makes me realize that I’m not alone in this (I rolled low on intelligence but high on wisdom when I was born)
iirc there’s an scp article that does this. if only i can find it
True dat. If it were, we’d likely have latin names for different races like “Homo sapiens sapiens caucasus” or some stupid shit, lmao. Nope, humans just have different colors and features naturally, and that’s pretty neat.
The more I think about how we label race, the more I realize how arbitrary it all is. IIRC we used to consider Irish people as non-white at one point. That’s fucking bonkers
I can taste this image. Not sure I like it.
The Reddit one looks like if they made a mobile game that’s just another Candy Crush clone.
At least Zion National Park was really cool when I visited it
They’re also just nicer and more forgiving to use. You accidentally rip a button off? Chances are, you can wedge it back on, no problem.
I’m gonna throw up 🥰