Who’d have thought that a work force with a large immigrant population would diminish when we kick all the immigrants out 🙃 we’ll still have medical staff, despite a large portion of them being from Eurasia, we’ll still have people willing to do the jobs we don’t want to because the UK is British and strong now, right? Right guys? We can have blue passports back… And… we’ll make our own trade deals! With America, and Australia! We’re still important, aren’t we?
I hate this country I live in, sometimes. Our politicians and older generations don’t seem to realise the last 200 years of history have happened.
I enjoyed the back and forth over the topic, personally, but that initial video of his felt… weak. I didn’t hate it but it did make me want to unsubscribe. It felt like a technicality and like a trick more than anything, to me.
The practicalities of how two nearby parallel wires work versus one big loop wasn’t the question posed, it was based on length (As I remember from watching it once). Felt like a ‘gotcha’ moment with no gotcha.