Turn it off in the settings if it annoys you…
Turn it off in the settings if it annoys you…
I also read now that the planets in the solarsystem will all be visible in a line February 28.
Sounds like a disaster movie… all the planets align in a year that is a perfect square.
Edit: i wonder when that happened last or when that will happen again…
Yes! It’s square root is a whole number. I do not know if it will help anything. I am basically grasping at straws…
Ohh looks slick. Bookmarking this for later ;) thanks!
Never got into consoles. My parents saw the utillity in a computer. And now i have 25 years in tech ;)
I forgot about total annihiliation!
Was never big on car games since supercars 2 on amiga ;)
I do not remember the year. But i think we played dune and command and conquer. using null modem serial port links, and long homemade cables. I had a machine with 3 serial ports. A few years later we upgraded to a thin lan nic using coax and a hub with a coax port. For those with cat cable nic.
Played Red alert, red alert2 then a decade stright of playing CnC renegade and wolfenstein ET on the internet. Then the battlefields series ehile that was fun. Nowdays Helldivers 2 almost scratches that itch. It just needs a 32 player rush mode ;)
That comes in 4 parts. ;)
Circle of money is incredibly important. People get money they spend it, improving their lives.
Goverment spend money building and maintaining infrastructure, and in normal countires education and healthcare.
Companies get money (pay less tax) they give most of it to shareholders to hoard. Who sits on a bigger and bigger pile of societys life blood, draining it to a lifeless husk. Parasites pure and simple.
I have gone over the street to assist a new secretary with the broken fax machine. They did follow the instructions, but complained the machine spit out the paper again. Called the reciving company explaining they could throw out all but one of the 14…
For sure. Both the floppy and the cassett drive bring fond memories. That machine laid the foundation for my whole life and career
Is it really center-right? I think it is more far right and facist extreme right. Atleast when observed from scandinavia
Everything. O365/outlook do not use normal email protocols. On normal exchange you can enable imap. Do not know about o365 tho. Also unfortunatly you loose a lot of other features if you dare to step outside the walled garden.
Impossible to forget firefly. When i rewatch the first season annually. And select episodes more.
I agree! My coworkers look at me funny when I irregularly go “smock smock smock smock” and laughf to myself.
Egs does not work on linux. It is just not an option.