The syncing of keys allows for much greater attack surface.
Its being worked on right now but the standard hasn’t been finalized yet.
I don’t think people prefer it, I think they’re culture shocked when the algorithms stop telling them what to think. It’s an uncanny feeling at first and can be uncomfortable for some.
A lot of modern proprietary interfaces have started spamming people with ads about “the latest stuff” in the notification menu, the app launcher menu, and a few other places.
For Grofit! The wise and avaricious Parvos commends you!
Just your average NieR boss fight.
“Milhouse is not a meme” is a meme.
“My name, is Inigo Montoya. You kill my father. Prepare to die.”
Sapphire 7900xtx Nitro+, and 3x performance boost PLUS far more stable frametimes at the same framerates
Just got this card as an upgrade to my 5700xt. It is so good, and REALLY pretty.
Just rewrite it in haskell (or Fold)! Problem solved :)
I feel like those calculators are lying or intentionally ignoring things, because just from 2020 to 2024 alone, products have gone up by 2.5x their original cost alone. The only things that somehow havent are the subsidized products like milk and gas (still around $4 per gallon somehow, and it used to be $2.50 for milk before 2020)
I think that the key difference here that would make two people who agree with this statement a centerist or a leftist is whether or not they feel visceral hatred for the right or if they treat them like human beings.
Theres a scrub mommy?! I thought it was just scrub daddy
I honestly think you want or even need them to be upset so that your narrative can work.
I talk like they do, i can tell you that its absolutely possible to be that blunt while being emotionally neutral.
That and palworld is actually good.
Yesterday’s update absolutely fixed some of that!
Ahh yes, good old petroleum-based Red 40