Not true or big
Persona3reload referencing yume nikki!!!
Please don’t. Like really, or make your own new community. It being on blahaj zone is good
I had a huge realization a few days ago and it unlocked a lot mentally for me.
It’s okay to not be a master of anything, because by becoming a master you sacrifice your broadness of knowledge. Keep being yourself, enjoy learning new stuff. Forcing myself into trying to be a master of something made me depressed and unhappy with my life.
You always hear about masters of a domain, but this branch is not fit to everyone and it’s okay. Capitalism and elitism makes it difficult to see that.
Idk the energy i need to start a new game is huge :c
It would probably lead itself to shut down frame 1
My mom wont stop saying the last one and refer to me as my deadname if it was an event before my transition
This is beautiful it reads like a romance story 😳🥺🥺🥺🥺
I know some who do, quite a lot actually because the neutral french pronoun is a neopronoun
I can’t believe we would’ve missed the luigi casino on Mario 64 DS…
Why do France, a country with a big christian influence, starts on monday then? And most european countries too
And I thought that in those religions God rested on the last day or something
Why would you make the week start on sunday it makes no sense fr
Taking nudes is so fun!