There are several links in the article. Otherwise that is what we have web search engines for.
I still do, but I’m not very young anymore, most people who regularly use TikTok are probably younger than me.
sorry, I probably should have checked, I have no objection to mods deleting this thread if this violates the rules here
I followed my city’s feed so that I am regularly reminded of the weather and don’t have to actively check a source for it. Let’s see how long I follow it.
Most people live at least somewhere near a city that doesn’t usually get radically different weather than where they do live.
John Perry Barlow was right:
I intentionally didn’t register on big instances like or in order to avoid being part of obvious places to censor.
Ideally, the fediverse will help people in censorious countries access information their governments don’t want them to see, but I am not too optimistic, I used to think that about the entire Internet and look where we are now, governments around the world are very much managing to control the spread of information on it.
Obligatory relevant link:
This seems to have been broadly right.
In other news, water is wet
Because the world is full of contradictions
I dislike the whole concept of “social media” in the Facebook sense.
I think the ideal form of “social media”, which was also popular in 2004, was the web forum. I want that back, not something where I have to follow people, but something where I can meet and find people with common interests and discuss those interests with them.
Apache isn’t copyleft, not sure why you thought it was
I remember reading once that in the very first years of the existence of the German Democratic Republic, television was the form of mass media that was most critical of the regime. It just wasn’t as influential yet as newspapers and radio, so they didn’t care about it as much; when it became more popular, it too came more under the control of the communist regime.
I certainly agree that the Internet should be by and for individuals; whether we can in the long term do completely without corporations, I am not sure, but the current “algorithmic curation” is definitely a problem.
I mean I agree with that in principle, but: before the Internet, of course big corporations influenced kids and adults! Before the internet only big corporations had the resources and practical ability to distribute any information to a lot of people.
The promise of the internet was that we would have a society where we could all have a say and the flow of information would be democratized. You are right that, because of “algorithms”, that promise hasn’t really been fulfilled.
No it wouldn’t, but people would only see them if they were part of a preexisting community where such things are posted or they specifically looked for them.
On the Internet, censorship happens by having too much information for our limited time and attention span, so going after recommendation algorithms will work.
It’s somewhat more comparable to DMCA takedowns I think.