Are they anti-container or just anti-Docker, I wonder?
bog creature
Are they anti-container or just anti-Docker, I wonder?
Just before your post about Karrot I finally (re-)installed Agora on Yunohost as a collaboration suite. First few users onboarded and praying it works. It’s a bit ugly but does the job. Karrot looks to be more map-focused than Agora from a very fleeting look, I don’t think I’ve seen it in the Yunohost catalogue.
Is this a self-hostable platform? I just see a signup option.
Interesting writeup, thanks for sharing! Friendica seems … friendly and reassuringly boring, I did a test install and will have a look at the details in the next days.
All my parent’s bookshelf when I was little is there, plus a lot of the fantasy novels I read later. I just can’t help but wonder wtf is left for the kids to read? The Bible and the Very Hungry Caterpillar?
Luxembourg and Belgium?
TLDR: Because AI is shite
‘Tech Billionaires give all wealth away to end world hunger.’ ‘Tech Billionaires lobby for wealth tax with national governments.’ ‘Tech Billionaires realize they are normal people like anyone else, not super smart world-saving geniuses, and finally shut the fuck up.’
Now these would be news.
Now imagine a room with an infinite number of computer chimps, at least one of them is going to make the machine work again. Another one is going to write the works of Shakespeare in soldering tin all over the motherboard, etc.
I’ve watched several videos on the topic and nobody has so far managed to explain to me why I want to use Docker. Okay, to keep them isolated, but why do I want this? I’m just a noob and the depths of server administration are beyond me. At this point from what I understand it just seems to install another layer of something on top of something?
I’m just beginning to understand the many exciting possibilities of ‘L2 hidden in a shelf but accessible’ aka self-hosting. Thanks people I’m really pleased! About a year and a half ago I was a (forced by work) (constantly swearing) Windows-only user. Then I managed to install a Linux-Windows double boot, but was still afraid of meddling with server things. Understanding how to use SSH wasn’t really as intimidating as I thought.
My even more luddite than me bf was horrified by the way. ‘It stays on all the time???’ ‘It’s like a small heater that heats the room’ didn’t really sell the idea to him. I’ll try next with ‘like a firewood shed, only for movies instead of firewood, but the door is broken so we have to use teleportation magic to watch the movies’
I mentioned the GPU because of Stable Diffusion - ah only now I understand what RDP means. (It shows that I live in the weird wastelands of ‘will try to do anything with a computer’ and ‘out of the loop peasant hippy’). I guess that might be neat to have.
Oh that’s a little disappointing because I was getting quite excited about AI art, but then also I don’t really want to run huge resources anymore just so I can play with stuff. Maybe for the best.
Is only SSH not enough? Does the VNC just add the GUI or anything else?
I did manage to get access to Home folder and even external disk on L2 after much fiddling with sshd_config. Was extra pleased, changed power settings and closed the lid, continued to work fine, was even more pleased. Pulled power plug to set computer up in shelf, plugged again, and it stopped working. Not sure what to try next.
Edit: got back in. Something dodgy happened to L2 and I restarted it
I’ve seen that some people apparently got SD to work running on CPU only? Will see … I’d rather keep the lid closed, environment is too filthy for tech here. I will only start removing parts if nothing else works, it’s too flimsy for that kind of stuff.
both the headline and the insect, yes
Well I spent 20 min to go through a quarter of the documentation. Kitten seems to my unprofessional eyes a bit like Mkdocs (a thingy that serves a markdown documentation website to localhost), but more geared towards personal websites, and with more bells and whistles and with a database (where Mkdocs just uses a folder structure).
Not really small enough for my taste.
It’s great to be able to run a server with functioning stuff on it when one doesn’t know anything about servers. Anything else around self-hosting would have been too much of an intimidating learning curve for me, but in the meantime I’ve picked up a lot of knowledge and terminology just by running the YH. It’s like training wheels, it’s great if you know a bit of tech stuff, but not enough.
I think it will last me a while before I outgrow it, don’t have enough time to really sit down and study server administration to the point where I feel safe to not fuck it up. I’ll let you know 😅