In fairness… Most of the “behind the scenes” are done in metric so we kind of did convert to metric. It’s mostly just the public that is imperial still.
In fairness… Most of the “behind the scenes” are done in metric so we kind of did convert to metric. It’s mostly just the public that is imperial still.
I know a lot of places in GA where I can get a pack of lucky strikes for about $4…camels come out to just under $6.
I have literally told them things I would be happy with… I’ve been very specific about some things too. For example, I tend to be hard on jeans so anytime gift giving comes up I will tell people that I will be happy with new jeans and specify my size.
I know I tend towards nonmaterialistic and people seem to hate buying practical gifts but that’s honestly what I would prefer. I have also said on multiple occasions that if they really can’t find anything, I will be extremely happy with a simple bottle of vodka or anything penguin related… Yet somehow I never get useless penguin trinkets.
I always get some useless trinket and the line “you’re just so hard to shop for”
Well done steaks are fine as long as they aren’t dry… This picture is of a piece of meat most of the way to jerky without anything that makes jerky good.
As a truck driver, I can’t help but look at the picture and think… “of course it’s US Express in that situation”
That’s me as well. I typically don’t even start thinking about shorts until the triple digits.
On the other hand… I’m starting to layer up at about 65…
I do also have a higher than normal body temperature. I’m usually hovering around 99.3 and I always have to explain to the doctor that I’m not running a fever that’s just my normal temp.
Almost any brand has good products… Just look at the business lines of products. They are much higher quality and usually come with a decent warranty.
If you aren’t doing photography prints there are plenty of nice brother color laser printers.
If you are doing photography… I hear good things about the ecotank printers.
Yes, we should be worried about it now.
It will happen and it will be much better if we can figure out how to handle the masses of unemployed before it is a problem.
This attitude of kicking the can down the road is exactly how things turn catastrophic.
I rarely print anything but when I do it is almost always documents.
I bought a brother laser printer. It’s only black and white but it has been flawless on every device I want to print from. I expect the starter cartridge to last me at least another year and any replacement will have a larger capacity.
The ink jet that got replaced would have had at least 3 cartridge changes by now and those easily cost more than what I spent on the laser printer.
While that is true… There is still a ton of high school bullshit going on, especially in workplaces.
All the same drama and gossip… I’m so glad I don’t work in an office anymore.
And that was the 4th grade question 🤣