“an escalator can never break, it can only become stairs”
Of course! Thanks for the heads up.
My bad, I reposted this because of the recent Google stuff without considering that issue. I’ll remove it if anyone asks.
I didn’t make the meme, but closed-source browsers should all be a no-go. Plus, OS exclusivity is never great.
fuck, knock that one down a rank too
Just made an account, and was glad to see an option to import from Calibre. My only gripe so far is that it’s pretty bad at recognizing books with no ISBN registered. It seemed to think a ton of my books were Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows or The Fellowship of the Ring for some reason (or Marx’s Capital in French).
finally i can turn nazis into loss
For Android users and FOSS enthusiasts, AntennaPod is pretty great.
Stardew Valley is great even if it’s out of date (though I’m not a huge fan of the interface on mobile)
Minecraft is also great on Android these days
I don’t think it’s a bad idea in principle, but what got me suspicious is that I couldn’t find the resolution anywhere on their page. From the only picture of the screen I found, it looks painfully low res:
I find the Tumblr migration kinda funny. Tumblr has already had many of the changes we hate seeing on Reddit right now. Lemmy and co are still small, but have a way stronger foundation and more room to grow.
I found it a bit too distracting when I tried it, but the real dealbreaker was not being able to use it on ereaders.
People interested in this sort of thing should also check out Atkinson Hyperlegible, a free front by the Braille institute. While its main purpose is accessibility, I find that the very recognizable letter shapes help a bit with reading speed and comfort.
DDG has a bangs page which explains it pretty well and lists all the possible ones.
Nothing compares to DuckDuckGo with bangs, which let you change over to any other search engine with two or three characters. I usually use !g (Google), !w (Wikipedia) and !aw (ArchWiki).
Only 95?