Missed opportunity to show a dead one as ghost type lol
I was a RiF (rip) user and it’s the closest thing in my opinion.
Connect’s been nice!
As a fart connoisseur, I was VERY excited about the (F) Art Gallery lol
Google maps, I literally passed by this place lol
(Oops replied to post instead of comment)
Oh, I totally understand why they call it that now, but on first glance I just thought it was a translator fail
“No dickheads allowed” lol
Edit: wait that’s the company’s LOGO?! Let me laugh even harder
Edit 2: I was hoping they’d explain what the hell their logo is, and translating their “About Me” page gave me this: “Incifra was founded in 1983 and was the first in Italy to dedicate itself to the trade of queue management snails, the symbol of the company.”
“Queue management snail” meant nothing to me as an American so I took the original Italian and image searched it:
… They make ticket dispensers. How the fuck does your logo convey that?!
You know what, well played, Incifra - your company does indeed prevent people from being dickheads
I’ve never actually smoked one so I’m definitely not the best source! I know what its like breathing it secondhand - I can’t imagine what it would smell like if you smoked it through your nose haha
I mean, we have both mouths and noses, but I’ve never seen anyone stick a cig in their nostrils lol
Crosspost to the cartography anarchy community!
This is the reason I bought a stickerbook! I can place them all in there (so I know where they all are) and put them somewhere else later (once I find a place deserving them)
Thank you for outlining this, I’ve never really thought about it that way
I think one of the hardest things to overcome for me is that I don’t have to “get it”. As long as it doesn’t hurt anyone, who cares? Even if it “makes you uncomfortable”, there are so many situations that might have made you uncomfortable the first time you experienced them - did all of those uncomfortable situations result in something terrible? If not, then we should embrace being uncomfortable as a transitional period that could end in something really cool!
Meh, they were better as Scarecrow Boat
How do you pronounce it in Welsh? I’m sad to see that it’s not on this super cool map
Thanks for introducing me to this cool channel!
Anyone have that PDF that’s the size of Germany?