Who the hell is Tanya?
Who the hell is Tanya?
I always find it weird when people repost this acting as if Dr. Phil wouldn’t have been in on the whole situation. It’s not like the show was aired live, or that the guy wouldn’t have had to been approved to go out on stage dressed like that by likely at least a dozen people, and Phil would definitely have been told in advance. So the guy was allowed to do it by Phil and the staff, and then the episode was edited and allowed to air, all for ratings.
This is digusting. I believe they are called x’s now.
This doesn’t quite work because subscriptions are voluntary and taxes are anything but.
For non rich people I mean.
Can you elaborate? I was not aware.
Edge has been my favorite for awhile, but I have always wanted to look at something less intrusive. I just tried Brave out today because someone mentioned it stole the Edge vertical tab implementation, which is one of my must-have features from Edge. So far I’m liking it and it supports all the extensions I was using. I can’t speak to the cite tools or collections as I didn’t use them, but Brave seems to have an immersive reader mode called Speedreader though.
EDIT: Okay fine, I removed Brave after a day with all this information below. I would love to switch back to Firefox at some point so hopefully they steal the vertical tabs soon.
Gimme some of those chicken planks, shrimp and fish and don’t your dare skimp on the crunchies!
lol, well in this case Google was wrong, the character’s name is Usagi Tsukino. No idea where it would get Tanya from!