I really like the idea of calling it XFree86/GNU/Linux and then if anyone ever asks “but what about (other contributing software package)?” just tacking it on at the beginning.
I really like the idea of calling it XFree86/GNU/Linux and then if anyone ever asks “but what about (other contributing software package)?” just tacking it on at the beginning.
Isn’t every baby a meat baby?
There’s one in the living room of my mom’s house in Texas.
The difference engine was the source of all our ills!
“Original” as in it has original ideas, or “original” as in it’s not part of an established franchise? If it’s the latter, I saw The Wild Robot in theaters. It was okay. A bit by-the-numbers, and I’m not sure everything made total sense, but it’s a kid’s movie so that was to be expected.
If the former, then, uh… Problemista? Also in theaters. I really liked that one.
I liked healing in MMOs when all I had to do was click healthbars to fill them up. Other people did all the hard work of actually fighting monsters, and I got loot!
Now MMOs want to make healers “interesting” so that more people will play them, and this means I have to contend with actual mechanics and sometimes even deal damage. Sorry, my brain does not multitask, I’m simply not cut out for this anymore. :P
Sonic Roboblast 2 Kart and its successor Dr. Robotnik’s Ring Racers are open source, and pretty fun! The exact degree to which they’re free-as-in-libre depends somewhat on Sega’s policy of turning a blind eye to fan games, so although GPL-2.0 permits commercial use I wouldn’t recommend testing it.
There is a lively modding scene (or there was for SRB2K last time I was playing it; I haven’t played RR yet). Ring Racers has single-player content if that’s what you’re looking for, I hear it’s quite challenging.
My car has been on standard time for years now, so it’s currently correct.
I don’t want to look at my disgusting flesh-body and I’d rather nobody else saw it either. Rebuild me shiny and chrome, then we’ll talk about showing off.
This one isn’t even real. “Fewer” can only refer to countable things, but “less” can refer to both countable and uncountable things, and has been used that way for hundreds of years. It has never been wrong to say “less.”
I mean that sounds nice, but honestly I don’t “progress” nearly as much as I “faff about” so stuff like XP lets me have the illusion of progress while I spend 30 hours roaming around the starting area looking for collectibles. I’m not sure what a real-time effect on that would look like.
But… I like it when number go up!
I have seen the music video ad for this product and now I’m inflicting it on the rest of you.
Edit: Ah someone else already got it, I didn’t see their comment at first.
Thank you! And no, genetic heterochromia in dogs is harmless. :)
She’s SO floofy, I love her ^^
It’s paraphrasing the intro voiceover from Darkest Dungeon, which the post title reminded me of. (It starts "You remember our venerable house, opulent and imperial…")
…Opulent and imperial. Gazing proudly from its stoic perch before the desk. I lived all my years in that ancient, rumor-shadowed seat. Fattened by decadence and luxury…
This always reminds me of the Perfectly Normal Beasts from Mostly Harmless.
What the hell is up with the board and notation? The board is off by 90 degrees, the bottom left square should be black (unless we’re looking from the side, but the labels suggest we’re not, because the letters are across the bottom like normal). And then if you actually look at the file and rank labels, they don’t match across the board—the leftmost file is marked “a” on the bottom, but “h” on the top, and the ranks are the same way.
They specifically designed it to annoy chess players, LMAO.
Revanced still works. If yours stopped working, download the latest patches and make an updated .apk.