This is the truth. People like to tout EVs as the end all, be all, “silver bullet” for the petrochemical industry. Bullshit. Your EV is riddled with oil-based products and asphalt contains a shitload of petrochemicals. EVs are better than gas burning cars in the same way getting stabbed with a knife is better than being shot. If you really want to help the environment by buying a car, buy a used car instead of a new one. Still, nothing really compares to just having a society where the average individual doesn’t need a vehicle. I think if we had a more robust service economy structured around couriers who took care of shopping and delivery, and then had a genuinely decent public transportation system or taxi options, we’d do a lot to reduce emissions. But the car is itself a sign of affluence and personal freedom in America. Always has been; probably always will be. Ownership of one, especially an expensive one, confers a certain status, and that’s a cultural problem, not an environmental or material one.
Collecting Magic: the Gathering cards works much the same way, except you at least have some tangible cardboard with a highly variable price instead of a digital token signifying you own the concept of an ugly piece of digital art at the end of a day.
Have you never heard of police dogs?
Everyone’s saying that this works in 3 dimensional space, but this also works in 2 dimensional space such that each side could be at a minimum six feet. The resulting structure would be a rhombus and not a square, with the distance between two of the individuals being much greater than 6 feet, though, which the artist did not accurately represent.
I think the issue here encompasses several factors: 1) you seem to be conflating the kind of moral panic driven legislation which has historically always existed with a silencing tactic aimed at dismissing youth-driven cultural criticism and 2) this meme screams low hanging fruit, appealing to the emotions of young people for whom having their phone taken away is like torture while also engaging in the, at the moment, very popular denigration of older Americans as being out of touch and dismissive of continuously worsening societal issues. Point 1 is understandable, as criticizing new things as being a corrupting influence on young people is as old as dirt, as is the propensity for the powers that be to dismiss cultural and material criticisms of the worsening state of peoples’ lives in hard times. And while they may exist as a part of a shared rhetorical and ideological ecosystem, their relationship is too complex to be purely causal, as your meme seems to be suggesting.
Mom: “Honey, try reading a book or something for once. You’re almost about to graduate from high school and you’ve literally never read a book to completion in your entire life. Actually, I’m going to say only 1 hour of cell phone time a night until you finish a book of your choosing.”
OP: *This post*
Sailor Moon grows up to be the queen of the moon. Possibly also the Earth, although I can’t remember. Either way, she’s no ally to the proletariat.
One of the litany of incredibly annoying people that make up the cesspool of “political youtube.” He is, specifically, a leftist in some capacity. Maybe an anarcho-communist, maybe a syndicalist. Who knows? Probably not even him. Does a lot of debating and reacting to things.
Not gonna lie, I expected you to double down and say that Assange’s comments don’t actually suggest he was insinuating Seth Rich was killed for leaking information to Wikileaks. So, have an upvote I guess.
From the wikipedia article:
Unbidden, Assange brought up the case of Seth Rich. When asked directly whether Rich was a source, Assange said “we don’t comment on who our sources are”
From the interview in question, Assange said (and this is a direct quote): “Wikileaks never sits on material. Whistleblowers go to significant efforts to get us material, and often at very significant risk. There’s a 27 year old that works for the DNC who was shot in the back - murdered - just a few weeks ago, for unknown reasons as he was walking down the street in Washington.”
Then, the interviewer asks Assange: “what are you suggesting?”
Assange replies, “I am suggesting that our sources take risks…”
Like, you don’t have to be a fucking Mensa member to draw a logical inference about what Assange is suggesting in regards to Sith Rich. You say “the rumors of it being Sith Rich were propagated by the long list of bad actors.” One of those bad actors was Julian Assange.
Very different use of busting from my perspective.
That’s just from people intentionally reading into things that weren’t there and tricking idiots into believing it.
Every American should go to a Bucees at least once in their lifetime. It’s like a distillation of the intersection of what people in Europe think America is and how Americans also perceive their own nation.
I dunno, I guess that depends. Do they actively and publicly fuel a conspiracy theory that Trump had someone murdered like they did with the Clintons and Seth Rich?
Hillary Clinton is a corporate shill, but you have to be fucking born yesterday to think wikileaks doesn’t play realpolitik or perform political favors.
The wikileaks thing is highly suspect, though. Like, wikileaks intentionally disclosed a lot of publicly damaging dirt on Clinton and the Dems at a very sensitive time in the election while not releasing ANYTHING on the GOP, even though they supposedly had that information.
I personally assumed they were rewriting it from C# because C# is complete ass that got destroyed by Microsoft’s own insistence on feature creep. The language is a goddamn mess. That said, a ton of languages are a mess but they’re even more baked into shit than C#. Like, Javascript is a bad language, but it’ll probably always be around because…internet.
I know what 2 girls 1 cup is but I don’t understand what else is being referenced in this image.
The Mayflower brought the Pilgrims to America, not Columbus (which is also, for some reason, misspelled in the title of this post). I’m guessing OP didn’t pay much attention to their history class this year in what I’m going to assume is middle-school.