The problem with this definition is that sex differentiation is determined by many genes, and the genetic makeup at conception is not always indicative of what primary and secondary sexual characteristics will develop. This is purely with regards to biological sex, and we’re not even talking about a person’s gender here.
Don’t forget Lemmy (Kilmister)
Little known fact, but the “M” in "Ken "M is for “meme”.
Best I can do is safe and unimaginative with lots of marketing and a big cast of overpaid actors past their prime.
Yeah, but they do it correctly.
This explanation sounds very reasonable, and it makes me feel even more disgusted.
What the actual f-
uck is up with th-
e hyphenation?
The logo in the bottom right is from a German satirical TV show, so “fake” is a good bet (dunno though, haven’t seen it).
I recently bought a Brother Innov-IS and found it really easy to get started with. Didn’t think I would enjoy sewing this much.
No, it would just be the 🤣 emoji in different colors.
I wouldn’t even call this “aesthetics”. Rather “conceptual homogeneity” or something like that. It’s what happens when you strive for a uniform look over a useful or visually pleasing one.
I swear my upstairs neighbors have bowling balls where other people have feet.
Oh this was a high-end model (medium-sized pan, wooden handle, cost about 200€). This is why I was so disappointed that it didn’t last very long.
Carbon steel, yes. Stainless steel, no (you can season that one too, but the coating will not stick to the pan well due to the steel’s smoother surface).
Funny enough, I made the opposite journey. Bought a LeCreuset a while back and had to toss it after 1.5 years, because the enamel started to flake off, despite great care handling/cleaning it. Replaced it with a cast iron skillet and am thoroughly enjoying its simplicity.
Yeah, but can the 6am friends stay up all night browsing increasingly obscure websites, while reflecting on the poor state of the world and feeling helpless to change anything?
I think not.
Well-reasoned comment with adequate sources
Sir, this is the internet.
Have watched the commentary tracks of all of the LotR movies multiple times over, and I still pop them in once in a while. Highly recommend.
“Alright, listen up folks. We’ve finally managed to wall off the area against creepers, and we finally got the old generator working. However, electricity will still be restricted until further notice, because Jerry needs the full output to recharge his Cybertruck™ to avoid battery damage.”