Linux is easy to install. Getting to run just the way you want it to is hard. But once you get it to run the way you want it to, using it is easy.
There is a Mythbusters episode on this. Rose literally and figuratively fucked Jack.
That’s true but Grandpa Joe is maybe a step too far
dude why do you hate David Spade? Fuck Grandpa Joe
Can I also be proud of your child?
No one knows how to read a sextant any more. The horror!!
Analog clocks are not really essential technology.
Hello, in your alt text I think you mean to say “respectively” and not “respectfully”.
A screwdriver doesn’t become a bad screwdirver just because someone is using it to drive nails. There is a lot to hate about Microsoft, but its basic Office tools are really quite good, when used in the manner in which they were designed. There really are no meaningful competitors for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Outlook as an email client is not great, but its strength is calendaring.
Word is not horrible as a word processor. The issue is that people try to use it to do typesetting, reference management, and all kinds of non word processor shit. And Microsoft encourages this. If you understand what the tool does it’s really a decent tool.
No mixed feelings at all. I am unequivocally sad that we lost Richard Simmons today 😢😢😢
painter: can you just hold her steady please?
I’m not a woman but that looks painful for her boobs.
Isn’t part of the charm of memes the shitty compression artifacts?
I would love to learn how to block YouTube ads with a proxy. Do you have a link to instructions?
The cake is a lie.
Chinese people can be racist af. Source: am 華人