This meme sucks.
It’s me, the Communist.
This meme sucks.
When I was doing the gym thing, I’d just take the first few weeks of the new year off lol.
It can be hit and miss from my experience as well. We have a bar and grill place that has a black bean burger and the fucking patty is 1/2 lb and an inch thick. The burger tastes good but it’s way too much bean and it ends up being a chore to eat. We have a fast food place that has a black bean burger that is pretty thin but you get a lot of veggies on it and it is all pretty balanced. We have a local hipstery joint similar to the meme posted that has amazing food all around but they have a beyond burger and a black bean burger and it’s actually nice to have that option but they also always have like 3 other vegan options.
when we can resell you the same game from 15 years ago, again, at full price???
Both side should just compromise and go with 7.5 genocides.
I still think it’s fucking hilarious that they tried to make him look like National Threat No. 1 but ended up creating one of the most badass photos of 2024 instead.