Home of the sharpest wake-up call on the planet!
I hope your day improves sir
my friend was actually told by her doctor to eat less rice. Just wanted to share!
Some BIOS updates remove the S3 option so that’s possible. It’s also possible that Modern Standby was working before and something changed which broke sleep for you. You can run a Sleep Study (instructions on the web) to see how your computer has been sleeping but it sucks that you’d have to resort to that.
Ugh, I had a Latitude 7210 2-in-1 and upgraded the 2230 SSD to a Western Digital SN530(?) one. Turns out after hours of troubleshooting Modern Standby, poring over Sleep Studies (“why is it draining 8% of battery an hour asleep?”) that the specific drive I put in didn’t “support” “Modern” Standby?
Anyways I have a ThinkPad with S3 sleep now and the fans actually turn off when I put it to sleep so that’s a win.
Mostly incorrect, entering the BIOS and having the toggle to switch between S0 and S3 (or, “Linux”) sleep does indeed exist but it is hard to identify what models have it (I hear Lenovo’s BIOS simulator helps) and it’s increasingly being removed in newer models or even removed in updates. Dell has no interest in putting it back and recommends hibernate or just powering off the machine when on-the-go.
I made sure the ThinkPad I own personally had the toggle but my work-issued one does not so it is now a Hibernate-only machine. No setting can help that.
They were beta testing them, EZ
You’ve done it now, now I’m catching up on Oglaf!
Attacked by the Nut-Devil ma’am!
My favorite is that their seeming takeaway from the success of Barbie is to go heads deep into TOY MOVIES.
I think about that sometimes, I’m already cringing at new slang like “X is giving me Y” replacing “X is giving me Y vibes” since I’m old and keep wondering “X is giving you Y what?”
I’ve been deleting a lot of the old time-specific ones too in my photo library here and there - I imagine those like the Boat-Stuck-in-Canal or OceanGate memes - assuming the internet kinda survives - will be thought of like that Mesopotamia joke(?) that has lost its context except by super history buffs.
That’s incredible, happy to see the old hardware still kicking!
On a similar note, sometime a year ago I spotted a guy using a Q10 at a shopping center in LA. Had a quick chat which was fun.
Bottom since the days of Windows Phone!
looking forward to more r/masterhacker content in the future
I remember shopping for a Bluetooth speaker and while I settled on a JBL one, I did consider the IKEA model that takes AAA’s but it wasn’t available to try nor buy - it would’ve been nice to be able to consider one that was externally powered but ah well.
time to huddle with my buddies and spawn some humanoid robots
Not formally banned but Halo TV show moment