Another quality effort.
Husband, Father, Gamer, Nerd
Another quality effort.
More interestingly, lamps in video games use the same amount of real electricity if they are on or off.
I laughed at this one.
Franklin W. Dixon was young me’s favorite author.
I remember the first time I read a WHOLE book in a single day. I thought I was something special.
But it IS how we see prices. If there weren’t science behind it, they wouldn’t be doing it.
EA used to be amazing. My first two games were Archon and Seven Cities of Gold in the Amiga 1000.
They were great games. EA didn’t start to really suck until the era of the Internet.
I think PE teachers often get a bad rap. I’m grateful that you got a good one also.
Two men other than my father had dramatic impact on my life. Both of them were PE teachers, one in elementary school and one in high school.
I was awkward, uncoordinated, and a social outcast. I was always the last picked when teams were picked. My elementary school PE teacher solved this by making me the “captain” and I got to pick the teams.
My high school PE teacher, who won State championships and coached future NBA all-stars still had time to be my doubles partner when we were playing tennis.
Those two men were definitely my champions.
I’m impressed you were able to convert the Oreos! 😉
6’6" (247.5 Oreo Cookies for those of you who use that measurement). My wife is 5’1" tall.
When I was growing up my mom would always say “the tall girls are going to love you!” Every tall girl I ever asked out shot me down in flames.
I’m a fan of capitalism, but not the kind of capitalism that decrees something is too big to fail and must be bailed out.
I’m a sixty year old nerd. No one hires those.
However, thank you very much for the kindness of your post.
Today was one of those days for me.
My oldest and (he’s 31 today) have copies of this on our office walls
My best gaming time ever is when my sons and I make up a 4-man fire team in any game.
I love this so much!
I was 9 or 10 3 first time I saw a Pong arcade machine in a hotel in San Diego.
61 in about 3 weeks. I’m older than Pong, and I game every day.
I learned Vim something around 25 years ago. I love Vim, but if I have VSCode available, I’m gonna use it (with Vim emulation, of course).
That is an absolutely hilarious bit. Great application for The Hardly Boys.