I couldn’t justify $14 a month for YT Premium especially when YT Music sucks so much. And it’s very likely just going to get more expensive.
If they could stop bundling them both together and give me an option to just get rid of ads, I’d probably go back to paying. But for now, NewPipe is a way better experience.
Hmm, who has better information about COVID… the CDC or Fox News?
Guess which one conservatives believe.
Gonna sideload cocaine while I mainline heroin.
Hope you have enough RAM for that. I hear it’s quite resource-intensive.
“We started this interview and expected it to be a good one, but Sam Altman didn’t answer any of our questions and we have to publish it anyway”
— The Verge
Hollywood’s (meaning movie and TV producers in general) default is white and straight.
The hetero norm is changing slowly, but the white norm is still very much a thing. Typically for a movie to feature a predominantly POC cast, it’s directed by a POC and listed as a POC movie, rather than just… well, a movie.
Okay, I’m going to be that guy because I don’t see it being pointed out already.
That’s not actual Italian pizza, it’s still an Americanized version.
Real Italian pizza is so thin you have to eat it with a fork and knife and it’s meant for one person, not to share. The one in the picture is still way too thick to be real Italian.
But real Italian pizza in Italy really is on another level. It’s so god damned good, it makes all pizza in America look like cardboard with sauce.
Are you high?
Seriously, Adobe is up there for having some of the most anti-consumer product policies ever.
They’re a shit company that deserves to die.
Oh gross. Yeah, that’s not okay.
Thanks for the clarification
Why is someone using Outlook to sync a different email address?
Why not keep the apps separate? Or use the Mail app built into Windows?
Seriously, someone explain the use case here because I don’t understand. If you’re using an outlook account, MS already has all that stuff. And if you don’t have an Outlook account, why are you using Outlook?
Stupid sexy beans
Here was my dumbass looking for Loss in it.
Except in drug deals (kg), foot races (5km), and science (°C).
You have to go to Cuckr for that.
Like Tinder for married couples.
It’s likely asked as a “gotcha” sort of question; a question that the asker is using to prove the answerer is on the side of the terrorists. There’s no nuance in that question.
It’s meant as a leading question to derail legitimate discussion.
When I say that, I mean having a full garden of native plants rather than the couple of bushes that are there.
Honestly, that may be better. At least it doesn’t use water and it would be fine in a very dry environment out western US.
Native plants would still be even better though.
It’s not even a detonator box. It’s a bike pump because he’s inflating the massive paint bubble.
So it’s a pointless black box.
The biggest problem is that federation splits the communities between instances. So a single interest may have 5-10 different communities, all with fewer users than on an equivalent subreddit.
I’ve been saying this since the beginning, Lemmy needs a way to follow topics that allow you to subscribe to all related communities at once. And posting to a topic on one community allows it to show up across different communities of the same topic.