It looks more like Cotton to me.
It looks more like Cotton to me.
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Interesting - I’ll definitely look all this up. Thank you for setting up some fun YouTube/Wikipedia rabbit holes for me!
Can you share more? Perhaps a link or two? I visited there recently and would like to learn more about the history.
I love this meme because its also relevant to any code written 2+ years ago in the software development field.
I lived in China for a few years and the number of Chinese people who think they can speak English is a lot different than the number of people who actually can speak English and be understood by other English speakers.
I’m from the PNW and I read this thinking “mmhmm yep I could see how that could happen.”
I know your question is probably rhetorical, but the answer is that advertising isn’t really about persuading people to buy something specific. Its about creating an association in people’s brains, so that the next time you think about toilet paper, your brain automatically thinks “Charmin” and your decision making changes from “what brand should I buy” to “why not Charmin”.
The more times they yell it at you, the stronger the association gets. They don’t care if you like it or not, they want to train you like an animal.
Jesus you’re dumb
TV show Narcos on Netflix.
If you want some real nightmare fuel, there used to be 8 foot long millipedes
Just call me Big Chungus
Damn this happened to me last month and just today I got pissed looking for my Chex Mix.
Tell me more about my opinions and what they are. I don’t think you understand what the word nuanced means. Especially if you are proponent of a nuclear scary and scary is bad mindset.
Just as an illustration, you just told me you didn’t like me putting words in your mouth, then 2 sentences later put words in my mouth. I think you need to reevaluate how you interact with others, and try to treat people the way you want to be treated.
Nope. The starting point of your and my interaction was you making a snarky meme containing 0 facts that implied anyone who thinks nuclear reactors are scary or have risks are so dumb they can’t tell the difference between 2 copies of the same picture.
Then when I called you out on your juvenile behavior and the emotional nature of your argument, you implied I had no reading comprehension and told me to read your other comments.
To use your phrase, “the facts are” that it only takes one bad-enough meltdown to potentially obliterate life on the planet, and that makes nuclear power of any kind a VERY complicated topic. Nuclear power CAN be very useful, but it can also be very dangerous.
Pretending like its a magic bullet is infantile and only harms your cause.
Don’t like my ad-hominem attacks against you? You’re getting treated the way you treated all of Lemmy when you posted that dumb meme. Now you know how you made everyone else feel first.
Your opinion is not nuanced. Maybe practice what you preach.
Agreed. Tipping is stupid. Abolish it and charge what the service costs.
Your post is clearly based on emotion only, so I don’t think you’re doing yourself many favors trying to be sarcastic here.
Ticketing people who don’t pay for parking is “bullying?”
This is pretty insulting to people who have actually suffered from real bullying. There’s plenty of real problems in the world to be righteously angry about. Maybe let’s not post shitty Facebook memes on Lemmy.