Can’t remember the specefics, but Express used to be good. Something happened a few years ago and people stopped recommending them. But anything I see in an ad or sponsor can fuck right off. I refuse to use it unless some very reliable source backs up the claims.
Unofficial Freetube for Android is an option as well.
Wait. What in the crispy Kentucky Fried Fuck are you talking about?
Sadly, making and testing these things beforehand would probably just get you in trouble too. But I’ll start studying in case I ever need it. Thanks for starting me down this little path.
Damn, I need to read up on this at some point. Simple stuff that just makes sense, but could be the difference between serious injury and being fine.
There’s a way to properly throw molotovs? Where does one research such skills?
Pretty much exactly my opinion as well.
Always good to have options. People need to find whatever works for them.
Seriously. I don’t mind attractive characters, but they’re not essential. Also, if you want attractive or sexual, go find some porn and sort yourself out. Or some adult game if it has to be a game.
I have similar issues with YouTube in Firefox on Windows. But I think my aging laptop might just be having trouble loading the script-riddled site more than anything.
I’m personally using
for anyone looking for an alternative.
I’ve heard of enough people wanting ads too. And people complaining that they want them back after they were blocked.
It gets harder and harder to have any faith in humanity these days.
That was my genuine first reaction as well. That’s a handsome older man. I could only hope to age half as well as that guy.
I mean, I don’t find the one on the left attractive or anything (she’s not unattractive or ugly either), but she also doesn’t have to be. She looks like a person and I can focus on what the game is trying to tell or show me. Every female character doesn’t have to be a blow-up doll or something.
Also, the one on the right looks bad. That face doesn’t fit at all. People are weird.
Always thought Armored Core looked cool. Never really got into it.
Sorry, as a non-American I should probably stop assuming everyone on here is American. I’ve been reading so much bad news about them and their new presidents that I always reply as if I’m talking to an American.
This mentality will get you hurt or killed. You need a group you can work with. This individualism isn’t gonna get you anywhere in the current situation.
Mull is unmaintained. IronFox is the current fork.