You better watch your back, you might already be in a CIA list now.
There is a rumor that OpenAI downloaded the entirety of LibGen to train their AI models. No definite proof yet, but it seems very likely.
Python? Where? All I see is people praising Rust here. Also, Ubuntu? That’s the most hated Linux distro on Lemmy.
The list of features modern web browsers have is incomprehensibly huge! Not to mention chrome keep proposing new api all the time, then use them on their products like google meets, then blame firefox for not supporting them when firefox users use those products.
That’s because mozilla foundation never actually taking donation drive seriously.
Let’s consider current situation: currently, mozilla corp allocates significant engineering resource to develop revenue-generating services such as pocket, vpn, and now, AI stuff. What if mozilla never need to try to chase revenue, and instead focus on being an actual foundation, funded by grants and donations? Their expense would be significantly lower.
Let’s say mozilla able to refocus development back to firefox and retain 250 highly paid engineers, with yearly expense for salary, benefits and other overhead at ~$100 million per year. That’s less than 1/4 of search royalties they got from google in 2020. Now put those $300 million extra money into an endowment instead of wasting it on marketing and other revenue-chasing activities, and start to seriously looking into grants and collecting donations like wikimedia foundation, and in a few years mozilla might be able to amass a huge fund to guarantee independent firefox development for years, or even in perpetuity with huge enough endowment.
I think they should move firefox development back from mozilla corp to mozilla org, so the development process can be funded with donation again.
For example, wikipedia development and operation are funded by donations to wikimedia foundation, there is a commercial corp (wikimedia enterprise) but they’re not in charge of development and operation of wikipedia.
Firefox, on the other hand, is entirely funded by mozilla corp. Any money donated to mozilla foundation is not used to fund firefox development. Instead, firefox development must be funded from search engine deals and ads. Why can’t the community chip in to keep firefox alive?
The tech communities are trying their hardest to get people to switch to Firefox. Meanwhile Mozilla is trying its hardest to get people off Firefox with decisions like this.
That’s depend on which online service you received the threats. Call of Duty? I sleep. LinkedIn?! Real shit
The price seems reasonable to me. It’s competitive with VPS with comparable storage if you were to self-host it on a cloud provider.
Why pay for a small VPS to host your static site when you can host it for free with a small chance of bankruptcy?
It’s ironic that game about communism being destroyed by capitalism, get destroyed by capitalism itself.
AdBlock Plus, is that you?
the unbanked
Can the unbanked still benefits from crypto these days though? How can you cash your crypto without doing KYC? Even localbitcoin got folded due to increased regulation. If you can pass KYC, then you’re probably not the unbanked. Less and less business accept crypto these days, it’s hard purchase daily necessities without cashing out your crypto (except probably in venezuela).
But if you’re using layer 2 solutions, then you’re not actually using the blockchain directly, right? Might as well use credit card then?
Ethereum doesn’t seem to have great TPS either ( ~15 transaction/s ), and talks about improving TPS seems to have quiet down.
massive scaling
Uh, yeah, after guzzling electricity like a small country, I’m sure bitcoin has massive scaling. Ability to process 9 transactions per seconds counts as massive scalability, right?
Hey actually I just thought of one! If the consumer is paying for the product, it can’t come with ads, including things like product placement or ad reads!
Smart TV manufacturers: “Impossible!”
Proof of stake, while better for the environment compared to electricity-guzzling proof of work, actually shift the power of consensus to capital owners. In proof of work, any bloke with some computing power can participate in the swarm even if they don’t own any crypto. In proof of stake, only those who own some crypto can participate in the swarm, and those who own more have more say.
You can say that proof of works also requires capital to buy computing power, but with the shift to proof of stake, the bar to participate has been raised. If can’t just use a spare computer to join now, you actually need some capital to buy some stake before you can participate. It’s a big boy club now, a tool to help the rich get richer.
I think it’s because how simple and ubiquitous it is. Just open the backplate and stick it to your detonator to use the speaker terminal as a source signal.
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