That’s weird because it’s both the icon of the app, and the exact name.
Your average Reddit escapee
That’s weird because it’s both the icon of the app, and the exact name.
It’s even harder to estimate two separate things accurately. So many variables
Mine typically says 2.5 hours and is done in 1.5-2h. Anyone using estimates on a minute schedule is… gonna have a bad time
It also adds “search with bing” to Android long touch context menu, when using any chromium based browser.
You can believe in fairy tales for all I care. Nobody here is interested in your delusions, and quite frankly, anyone personally affected by the ongoing tragedy have more than good reason to wish you dead with rest of the invaders and warcrime symphatizers.
Do the world a favor and fucking shut your disgusting trap.
Lol fucking wake up and stop drinking Russian kool aid.
He used “shit” in another post’s title. But porn? Oh Jesus Christ better censor that!
The creator of this meme: proper contrast
And it’ll still probably run at 30FPS
Apologies, I’m not sure how, but I never saw the last paragraph
That’s a stretch, and maybe true for you, but the world is full of people, such as you described, that haven’t got that issue. Not wanting kids doesn’t automatically make you bad with responsibilities.
It only makes you a person that doesn’t want kids.
Edit: I can’t read
That’s a bs reason, email paywall bypassing is so easy that it could just as well not exist.