Yeah. Its not perfect but filtering primary news topics makes casual browsing much more chill
Hey, thanks for reading my bio. You know, you’re pretty cool. I’m glad we got to share this moment together.
Yeah. Its not perfect but filtering primary news topics makes casual browsing much more chill
With the glasses he sorta reminds me of Jazz Emu
This is a clever way to do a survey on user’s preferred mobile clients
Desktop background material
Is there a higher quality version of this meme I can send to my boss so I can skip the standup meeting tomorrow?
I’m blue dabadee, dabuda
I’m curious about the math you did to come to that final number
Get them in pride flag colors :)
Got a lot better for me after I uninstalled it
This is honestly the move
I usually get a reciept, but that’s because I like to scan/archive them and keep track of how prices change over time
SG-1 is a great show to watch, especially lately - it makes you feel like there might still be people that care about the world.
If you filter out the “buzzwords of the week” you generally get calmer threads
Its not perfect but I’ve been lucky enough to have some very pleasant interactions here
I put on my robe and wizard hat
I already subconsciously do this because I know it pisses them off, but I like your justification much better
Most recently, I’ve made some very interesting friends through volunteering. You’re pretty much stuck with a group of people for a period of time and it gives you a perfect pretense to start conversations - and if you pick a cause you care about, you’re very likely to meet like-minded people.
most notably, in-person friendships require much less time investment to develop than online friendships, IMO (not that online friendships aren’t just as enjoyable)
Its truly a numbers game, though. Put yourself out there enough and eventually something will click.
Having played tennis for nearly a decade, I can say with some assurance that I would get served.