Then again, in a world that needs developers badly everywhere, a developer that stays in a job where management forces them to maintain crappy software, is an idiot (or plain greedy). /also a developer
Then again, in a world that needs developers badly everywhere, a developer that stays in a job where management forces them to maintain crappy software, is an idiot (or plain greedy). /also a developer
I couldn’t bear the cringe anymore when the
step-mom-fetish son of Gordo turns into an outright psychopath and starts ruining basically everything.
Show sucks from season 2 onwards. Ridiculous and unbelievable drama of unstable personalities
I am never gonna not up-vote a pro Luigi and anti CEO millionaires post.
Oh, sorry, didn’t realize you’re a snowflake as well. Shoulda guessed. My bad.
And again, you miss the point… Nothing like people who refuse to think because they think they know things better.
That’s your takeaway from this meme? Back to school you should go. Although if you live in the US, being poorly educated is likely not your fault but that of the system.
Asteroid City. Theatre. Weird but entertaining / good.
Just to be clear, my “You must be brain-damaged” was a generic “you”, as in “one must be”, not directed at you :)
Good approach. I don’t hate people, I respect that something in their developmental process must have seriously damaged their brains for them to become as messed up as they ended up being. I mean - my definition of normal people is that they do not give a shit about money beyond “having enough to comfortably live their lives in good health”, and that they would share even what little they have if they see someone suffer. You must be brain-damaged / developmentally damaged in order to suppress empathy on a daily basis, or not even feel it at all.
At worst, I despise people for what they are / the decisions they make.
Thanks! I could have sworn it had a relation with Perry Rhodan - and sure enough the printhouse is Pabel / Rastatt, same as for Perry Rhodan - they probably shared illustrators who worked for commission across different novels :)
Isle of Man would like a word…
*nucular. It’s (pronounced) nucular :D
Interesting read but I’d argue a fish is a concept by characteristics, not considered a biological classification. Much like mammals.
Fish: has scales and fins and a swim bladder and gills. Sharks are not easy to classify as fish, and whales certainly are not.
Again, thanks for the article, it was interesting to read indeed.
german people have large privacy and date security fears. This has kept them off of many other platforms. Most people in my friends circle never had a MySpace / Facebook… Being in an anonymous space like here is nice.
While this is true for me(*) - partially, it’s not a fear, it’s a certainty that my data is not secure anywhere online - I would be positively surprised (but kind of doubt that) if younger people actually think consciously about their online privacy.
* never had myspace, deleted all my facebook posts, comments, contacts & then account in 2012 when they changed the terms & conditions to own everything you upload - and before then I had never used my real last name there
Thank you for the summary! I found myself in OP. I am eating mostly vegan, and I have a cat, and I believe people who force a vegan (or even vegetarian) diet on their cats need mental help.
Importing CSV into SQL is trivial and gives you far more control than Excel can.
There’s a tool for a given job. And for some, Excel may be decent. But for many, MS Access used to be far superior to Excel. Not sure if it is still maintained well, as I no longer use MicroShit
But, if you’re a power user doing a lot of complex data analytics, Excel is still the king.
Only if you refuse to learn SQL and do everything in a fraction of the time with way more functionality.
Not in Europe - for now. Will be different of course if fascist America murders us all over here. Or Putler. Doesn’t make much of a difference in the end…