You can listen to things while driving, but it is either NPR, talk radio, or church sermons.
You can listen to things while driving, but it is either NPR, talk radio, or church sermons.
Gen Z: Can’t read analog clocks. “What speed am I going? There are no numbers!”
Strangely, that is a lot of who is complaining. It was a Faustian bargin: draw furry porn and earn money but never be allowed to use your art in a professional sense ever again.
Then AI art came and replaced them, so it became loose-loose.
Unless you are stuck in an all-day meeting with hundreds of stressed out, immunocompromised, most likely sick people all wanting to drink from the EZH2O/EZS8L pair next to the closet bathroom and there is a pair of VRCHDTL8SC down the hall and you are going on a two week Christmas vacation at the end of the meeting.
Then the VRCHDTL8SC is the boss.
Gen Z men think being rude and unrespectful will get the girlfriends. They are in the not fucking around phase of not fucking around and not finding out.
Billionaire: “So if they don’t exist anymore, I’m good? How many do I have to kill?”
So the guy that lead the company that denied coverage the most got paid the least?
Revenge Bedtime Procrastination! Why would I go to sleep early, giving up time that I enjoy (after school) to more fully experience and function during time I don’t enjoy (during school)?
Think Asian… and a color.
Y * * lo, r * d, and m* * * to skinned are also taboo, but you don’t see people with those skin colors using the terms and keeping it popular.
-Country: Elects socialist leader.
-America: Disrupts country to dispose leader.
-Success: Country no longer Socialist.
-Failure: Strongman comes to power to resist. Resists disruption, becomes dictator. Country no longer Socialist.
During the last site-wide protest in 2015 I set up a VOAT account with all the similar subreddits that I had at the time. When people first started suggesting abandoning ship, I thought “Well, at least I still have Voat”. Checks Voat. Turned into a alt-rght haven and then shut down in 2020. Dho!
One problem is there is no dark mode button in user settings. I’m sure there is something you can download and apply or something, just would like a little slider in settings before I go snowblind.
If the Source is Open to copying, and I won’t get sued for doing it, well, then…