This is the actual truth. Revisiting the catalog of early cross platform games and it’s evident that Sony engineers couldn’t get anything running well on there for the first three years of its lifespan. The same games ran just fine on the Xbox360.
This is the actual truth. Revisiting the catalog of early cross platform games and it’s evident that Sony engineers couldn’t get anything running well on there for the first three years of its lifespan. The same games ran just fine on the Xbox360.
I find that when I’m feeling depressed and lefty, singing out loud helps me. Maybe you too can sing along!
“Do you hear the people sing? Singing a song of angry men? It is the music of the people Who will not be slaves again! When the beating of your heart Echoes the beating of the drums There is a life about to start When tomorrow comes!”
Don’t feel shame, be heard, be loud, and beat the drum!
(Yes this is les mis)
I agree. A digital file is written to disk yet has no second hand value because of the nature of replication. Your books have value after you’ve read them because it’s not easily replicated and has more value beyond its basic consumption. It can be collected, displayed, traded, burned… It has all sorts of intrinsic value beyond the words on the page.
It’s as if the printing of the media to a physical device in the end provides you a solid copy but not the rights to the work contained inside of it. You’re not allowed to modify and distribute those works as that violates copyright.
I feel like the individual ownership of physical media actually protected copyright and now in the digital era, the lack of ownership is subverting its own purpose. We as a people never understood or acknowledged the implicit agreement that came with the acquisition of our books and DVDs. We ignore all the legal messaging and even made fun of it. We laughed when we realized “How could they ever enforce this?!” And so we didn’t care.
Now here we are, learning in real time how it will be enforced.
Nintendo doesn’t care. They stay in their lane and they are strategic about each move.
I remember hearing about pretty terrible corporate culture as they demand obedience and swear you to secrecy. I think I remember some guy mentioned he worked at Nintendo on a podcast and they instantly fired him to make a point.
What Nintendo does care about is knockoffs. At their core they are toymakers who make collectibles. What is a knockoff? Anything that Nintendo deems so.
My dad tells me it has something to do with Communism and the color pink but I can’t really understand him through his slurred speech three drinks in after Thanksgiving dinner.
Is this like using linked lists?
Taylor Swift isn’t real, her whole existence is a psy-op.
Muscle Mommies with the power of God and Anime on their side?! AAAAAAAHHH
This is the most “no sh*rt Sherlock!” Article headline I’ve read all day.
Thank you for this. I’ve been honestly considering building one of these for a while now. I think it’s listed as TopTon on AliExpress.
What a nice drawing of Louis Cole (Knower)!
OpenAI now needs to go to court and argue fair use forever. That’s the burden of our system. Private ownership is valued higher than anything else so … Good luck we’re all counting on you (unfortunately).
Came here for this comment
Did anyone else get the email that said Max is reducing its adfree tier to 2 screens instead of 3 and no more 4k? I just got it yesterday.
I had the same exact reaction
Can’t wait to hear the new Swedish House Mafia X Swedish Criminal Gang ReMix to drop!
Here’s what that means - demand a refund, start a class action suit, idk every corp is doing this rug pull at the same time hoping they can get in before the law catches up.
How does one start a class action suit?
I met Bob Camp once and told him how these images of Ren and Stimpy are burned into my brain from childhood. His reply was “We call them Gross-Ups!”.