I’ve never had to shell out thousands of dollars to repair a train/bus/bicycle/shoes.
Motornormativity is a driving factor (pun intended) of the cost of living affordability crisis and class inequality.
I’ve never had to shell out thousands of dollars to repair a train/bus/bicycle/shoes.
Motornormativity is a driving factor (pun intended) of the cost of living affordability crisis and class inequality.
I played so much MK64 that I know can’t beat literally anyone, but have found I can beat everyone that makes statements like this. I know how many people I can’t beat, and they make up the top thousand or so positions of this list.
I would say that I am not good, but better than the average player at this game. It is the only game I say this about.
That’s what I mean by status quo bias. Just because there are roads now doesn’t mean that those are the only option. We have spent a fuckton of money and a fuckton of effort over the last century building these roads. But the problem is that cars don’t scale. Self driving or not. So as we continue to spend fucktons of money and effort on transportation, we should allow ourselves to consider all options. Rebuilding all roads to accommodate self driving cars (as the original tweet implies) is probably the worst option. There are options that are better for the economy, better for the environment, and better for people.
Also, I don’t think any serious person is suggesting replacing ALL roads with rail. Obviously, roads are an important part of any transit network. It’s just that we should not ONLY build roads, and not build ALL roads ONLY for cars.
Building roadways to achieve the current coverage for the entire US was a massive undertaking that required a huge effort over multiple decades. Compared to that, building railways is downright trivial. Let’s not forget that self driving trains already exist, but self driving cars don’t. People should not let their status quo bias blind them to reality.
And then he turned himself into an SBC. Funniest shit I have ever seen.
Reminder of the fetal cannibalism orgasms drow lore from Dragon Magazine.
Scroll down to “Bloodied From the Birth-Sac”
Even better than an emulator is Ship of Harkinian, a full source port to modern PC hardware. It has tons of graphical and QOL improvements, built in randomizer, modern controls if you want.
And to the people that like to say “MM iS beTTeR”, they just released 2 Ship 2 Harkinian.
Old enough to play Ocarina of Time when it came out.
Or at least old enough to play it at your cousin’s house and ask your mom for it for christmas because you really wanted it but she wouldn’t buy it for you because she was in full 90’s helicopter parent mode and thought it looked too scary. I’m sure that’s a universal experience.
In My Lane. In My Arrakis. In My Dune.
When she asks “Can I have your name?”, don’t give it to her.
The point is the “energy well”. That is the elements “in the middle” of the periodic table are more stable/at lower energy states. So fusioning heavy elements or fissioning light elements move to higher energy states, so it will take more energy in than it releases.
That looks wayyy too high quality to be McDo
The second is actually the most fundamental unit of the metric system. For example, a metre is defined by how far light travels on some fraction of a second.
Nice straw man, my guy. Clearly I’m not telling people to live somewhere they cannot afford. Some places where it is possible to live car free/car light are super expensive. The reason for that is those are the places with the highest demand, because lots of people realize that is the best way to live.
I’m not saying “just move”, I’m saying be a YIMBY. Be the person that writes your city councilor or goes to town hall meetings and says “Yes, please build more transit”, or “Yes, please build more bike lanes”, or “Yes, please build higher density housing”. The more places where it is possible to live car free/car light, the more the demand will be eased and it will become more affordable.
Also, it may already be more affordable than you think, if you consider your housing and transportation as a single item in your budget. The average car owner spends over $1000 per month to own and operate a car. So even if you move to somewhere the rent is 50% higher, you may still come out ahead by giving up your car.
Unless you live in Phoenix, your city was not build around cars. Your city was built around train stations and street cars. Sections of it were bulldozed in the last couple of decades to make room for more cars.