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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • You can replace just the touch bar, I’ve done it, but it’s a nightmare. Much cheaper and less waste though

    That thing is seriously glued on. Like people complain about the battery adhesive but it’s not really that bad, some solvent takes it out pretty quick on most models (though it’s still not necessary and would be much better if it was just screwed into place). That touch bar though, that glue is crazy and any solvent or heat you use has to be super carefully managed because you’ll melt the keys very easily. Some tutorials have you basically just smash the shit out of it and scrape away the resulting shards but that seemed like a bad idea.

    For the record I did heat from the rear and light application of acetone. Took a bit but I was able to pry it up although I did break the first couple. Doesn’t matter really but it can make it harder to prep the space for the new one.

    Also fun times: on some models if the touch bar glitches out it shorts the motherboard and causes random reboots

  • quixotic120@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldJust Say No
    2 months ago

    I agree with you in that it wouldn’t stifled the same way but I still think it would be an inherently flawed measure in determining the true number of cases, which is probably impossible. Going back to my original post even if you allowed anonymous reporting I’m betting a lot of partners would still not speak out due to intimidation and you would probably get some false positives (though admittedly this is probably significantly less of a concern)

    Doesn’t mean it’s not worth doing as it would probably get you something closer to an accurate number but the accurate number is likely impossible to measure

  • quixotic120@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldJust Say No
    2 months ago

    In response to this I would say that the studies here overrely on self report, which is inherently flawed when asking someone to report on a character flaw

    I go back the philosophical question: if you beat your partner would you reveal this to an academic who is going to put it on the record?

    Some may, but a lot won’t. Inherently flawed.

  • quixotic120@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldJust Say No
    2 months ago

    Statistics are hard to determine on domestic violence

    The “40% of cops beat their wives” probably comes from this:


    A congressional hearing where a professor testified that officers were asked if they had “gotten out of control and behaved violently towards their spouses or children within the last 6 months” and approximately 40% said yes. This is vaguely worded and while acting violently towards your family is shitty regardless there are a number of ways to interpret that question (beat them regularly, slapped them, yell at them, berate them, isolated incidents vs consistent campaigns, etc)

    There is a concept in experimental design called an operational definition, that a behavior should be defined in such a way that observers trying to measure the variable are clear in what they are trying to measure. “Self injury” is poor on its own, but saying “hand to head hits with closed fist” is quite a bit better (though still can be problematic because sometimes intensity can be a problem but I digress)


    Neidig study also found a rate of around 41% and is cited to support the claim but if you read the methodology it’s flawed to do this: the operational definition is much improved but the data for 41% includes violence initiated both by cops and by their spouses. If you only include violence initiated by cops it’s closer to 28%. However this does indicate they create toxic relationships based around violence and mutual violence is not uncommon in domestic abuse. There’s a lot more to dynamics in domestic violence (including power dynamics when the police don’t take dv very seriously and power dynamics when your partner is a member of the police who are supposed to respond the arrest them for doing dv)

    So that leads to other experimental design issues here. For one, these are self report and this is likely a huge flaw. Think about it, if you were a person beating your spouse, would you be down to admit that to an academic who is absolutely going to document it?

    So there have been other studies to address this that look at crime rates via police reports rather than self reports. These show relatively low rates of about 17%. However, this suffers from the power dynamic flaw above. I worked in domestic abuse support for years and several women I worked with were spouses of police (and firefighters too fwiw). Per these people their spouses were never charged and often gloated about this; the cops were called often and would do anything to resolve the situation except arrest them. They would drive the spouses somewhere else, the would take the cop out drinking (great idea), etc. I do wonder if a report only gets filed when the damage from dv becomes impossible to ignore; when the cop beats their partner or child so badly they requires intense medical attention or the scene becomes so intense it is a public spectacle

    The initial research is from the 90s and not much has been done since, likely because working around these design issues is extremely difficult. I genuinely do not know how one would do it in a way that would not introduce a ton of bias and error. The only thing I could even think is that you could interview spouses but that is almost as flawed as the officer self report. I would imagine there is a culture of intimidation there preventing open dialogues plus there is always the chance for false positives I suppose.

  • yeah no shit, america is a melting pot and it’s food culture is an amalgamation of foods from other cultures

    And frankly some aspects of most of those are spurious. The origin of the hamburger is debatable mainly because before america it was (probably) just a mince patty served with sauce, much closer to what japan serves as hambagu/ハンバーグ. It likely wasn’t until it came through shipping ports to america that it was served on bread, ground instead of minced (though this was likely a function of the era), and eventually over time evolved to the modern version of what we consider a “hamburger”

    Mac and cheese actually goes back to medieval england and was closer to a lasagna. The extruded version is also probably england, or possibly france. Unless you’re simply attributing dried pasta, which is probably an italian invention, but may be arabic

    Frankfurter is german but the modern hotdog is american and debatably the idea of serving it in a bun is an american invention, which again goes back to the hamburger and the insanity of prior to america people struggle to combine meat and bread

    In closing I bet you’re fun at parties. Also while america sucks at so many things we definitely make the best burgers in the world, hands down

  • I went to a western restaurant in Japan that was “stereotypical USA” themed and there was mainly kitschy shit all over the place like advertising memorabilia (stuff m&m character statues) and of course american flag themed stuff (but iirc no actual flag)

    It was a long time ago but I remember the menu was like burgers, hotdogs, mac and cheese, etc and the food was super mid. Main thing I do remember was the mac and cheese was 100% kraft dinner which was so disappointing. the burger was also weak which is inexcusable because japan has serious burger game

  • quixotic120@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule suckin olympics
    4 months ago

    because the core concept of ubi is still keeping elitism and ultra wealthy individuals around; it’s just throwing a pittance at the lowest socioeconomic class to keep morale up and limit some of the social issues like crime caused by extreme poverty. But ultimately while some of these societal issues get alleviated you still have the very major issues of things like Elon musk accumulating enough wealth and power to influence elections and purchase modern communications platforms, political lobbying, and other issues associated with extreme classism.

    He is and always was on team tech bro billionaire. He still thinks he (and they) is/are ultimately superior to most people. “Throw some money at them and they will quiet down”

  • there are almost certainly people propagandizing on chans, especially 4chans /pol/ as it has a fairly large user base and has proven to be very influential with dozens (or more) of academic papers written about its culture and dynamics.

    https://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/download/11075/11269/83226 this paper shows trends in pol posting surrounding major news events (mass shootings). Specifically after the Pittsburgh shooting they see a significant change of a small number of pro trump links circulated hundreds of times immediately in the aftermath, more so than before the incident. There are similar papers and many more describing the culture to help potential actors assimilate as quickly as possible

    Again, the causal nature is impossible to prove (unless Hiroyuki starts leaking ips and they can be linked to someone somehow, I guess), but it appears someone(s) has been using that forum to make a concentrated effort to promote certain ideas, mainly pro trump propaganda and antisemitism.

    Based on estimates 4chan gets anywhere from 20-60 million visitors per month. /pol/ alone sees well over 100-120k posts per day right now per 4stats.io, 4chans official stats. It’s by far one of the most active boards, running about the same as /vg/, dedicated to general gaming, and also full of bullshit but the whiny gamer kind (which is a well established pipeline to places like /pol/). whereas core 4chan boards like /b/ (random, the original board, where kind of anything goes), and /a/ (anime, probably the earliest board once it split from just /b/ for everything) being the next most active see barely half this, 40-50k posts per day.

    Basically /pol/ sees a massive amount of discussion from a giant group of angry impressionable (often young but not always) people who are absolutely willing to campaign, make and spread memes, flood comment sections, etc. you’re foolish if you think that’s not being astroturfed and botted by people with vested interests. like is the trump campaign directly doing it? Probably not, but is one of their pacs kicking some money to some stormfront dudes who are? Maybe. It could also potentially be some weird trump group that spams and is otherwise unaffiliated with the campaign of course. That’s still propaganda, it’s just not sanctioned “officially”.

    And this was touched on but the /pol/ influence is seen throughout the boards as well. They’ll spout their talking points on the videogame boards as mentioned like /v/, /vg/, etc to pull in gullible people but also the anime board (/a/), even slow boards like do it yourself (/diy/) which sees like 400 posts a day will get posts about immigration impacting trade jobs as a way to shoehorn in the typical rhetoric

    In comparison according to fedidb lemmy has a bit under 400k users (a bit over 1/10th active, around 45k) and a bit over 8 million posts. That’s a footnote compared to 4chan which itself is dwarfed by the giants like reddit, facebook, etc that see monthly visitor counts in the billions. Of the fediverse mastodon would make the most sense to astroturf as it has significantly more users and posts. Unless they see serious growth potential and want to establish trust early on the platform, which would make sense I suppose, but looking at lemmys growth charted out that could be a very long wait for a return on investment. While posting is free paying people/bots to post isn’t. But perhaps they’re hoping it will become like /pol/, a niche forum on the internet that has decent enough traffic to become surprisingly influential. I do think this is unlikely, but who the fuck am I?

    Of course, the statistics are not fully accurate here for either. 4chans traffic is estimated and sources vary pretty wildly, 4chans post counts should be accurate as that does come from 4chan. fedidb info is accurate but iirc doesn’t necessarily include all instances. That said it’s unlikely there’s an a few instances that would wildly skew the data and most estimates for 4chans traffic are on the higher end of 40-50 million visitors per month

  • The characters being ancillary and easily edited out/cut is by design so they can still use the movies in foreign markets that are hostile to lgbt rights

    If the gay character is only identified as gay in one scene where they say “I’m gay” or kiss for 10 seconds you can just cut that part out and still screen it in Saudi Arabia. Disney doesn’t actually give a shit about lgbt issues, they give a shit about what will sell

    Thus a prominent main character who is gay or a movie about a character coming to terms with queer identity is far less likely because that basically means they instantly lose out on much of the lucrative international market