new account: doch nicht, vielleicht später
the movie is pretty mid
im guessing all of them are hollywood
Seconds are defined as one gazillion times the Phase transition of some caesium atom, not the planck time.
Otherwise you are correct.
idk what you mean, circles are 2π radians
you might be interested in centipedes
they don’t really have 100 feet, but at least their name is metric
yeah, lets all start counting in base-60
I’ll start by counting to ten
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο π ρ σ τ υ φ χ ψ ω ϟ 10
This is bullshit.
Seconds are already metric no need to redefine them.
Furthermore, if we redefine seconds we would also need to redefine a lot of other units.
This would result in massive confusion and a lot of avoidable errors in science and engineering, similar to what is already happening in the us with their bullshit freedom units.
It is not even that much harder if you get used to it.
If 86.4ks are too much to count for you, you could instead resurrect the metric prefix myria- for 10⁴. So 1day = 8.64 myriaseconds. And instead of minutes, use hectoseconds.
use libredirect (browser) or newpipe (android) for deshittified youtube experience
I have a headache, but i can still see the 2
But the french won’t invade the Kommentarsektion…
90 times the light speed? holy moly thats fast for tea.
i just use the normal browser mode for stuff like that
I’d argue that the “The” is actually part of the last name.
Similar to medieval last names like with “Henry of Skalitz”, “Sigismund of Luxembourg” where the “of” is afaik part of the last name. Other languages may have translations like “Heinrich von Skalitz”(german) or “Zikmund Lucemburský”(czech).
yes and no
FOSS games are good and fun, but to deliver a AAA game with a near-realistic 3D Graphics and a good several hour-lasting story, you kinda need some funding. I would be all for a concept where a game is open source, but you need to pay for the textures, meshes, voiceovers, in game dialog strings and similar stuff that is not code.
since gender is not binary, trans is not a binary operation
so double trans [ interpreted as trans²: x ↦ trans(trans(x)) ] is not necessarily the identity funcion [ id: x↦x ]